i recently bumped into a jw i know that told me that her watch had been pinched at an assembly , she then went on to tell me that a lot of worldly people go to assemblys ,so she should have been more carfull !!!!!!! this is someone that knows im "worldly" i was gobsmacked when i had recovered from my shock i informed her that i would not dream of stealing something despite being "worldly". i dont even think she realised how offensive it sounded and she is not usually a judgemental person , so it must be all that self righteous association she has been mixing with lol
this could make you laugh or be really angry !
by looloo 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Uncouth idiots!
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
That's funny and sad. Ever notice at the assemblies, they have to have two or more folks staff the "Lost & Found" desk... that's to keep 'em honest. If only one was there, they might just "pinch" the good stuff that gets turned in.
OK, now I'm generalizing, I agree...
Accusing or even only suspecting "wordly" people is wrong and totally uncalled for!!!
When in doubt, shut your mouth:-) -
Non-JW = thief, murderer, rapist, liar, fornicator, drug user, serial killer, watch stealer, etc
It's insane!
erwyn thats so funny lol
I remember the veiled cautions to take care of your valuables that used to be given at the big stadium assemblies. I used to feel like they were kind of rude because they WEREN'T that veiled;)
A witness once stole my ex's scarf (an expensive one) at a KH.
Do-goodies tend to be the least reliable sort of people, because of self-complacency
Hi Looloo, if you didn't know already, jw's are indoctrinated to believe that jehovahs organisation is perfect, a spiritual paradise. Nothing like theft would be committed by jehovah's people . . . right? Your friend was only spouting what she has been told a million times.
"Worldy People" are the scapegoats for everything. For a long while before every convention, the society sent letters to elders which were read out to the cong warning parents to not let their children wander around unaccompanied at conventions and assemblies, because some children had been molested by "worldy" people at the conventions. (And we all know jehovahs witnesses would never do something like that! ) What a cover-up! Jw's were labeled "a pedophiles paradise" by a judge a few years ago, but blame it all on the "worldlies". It's so convenient.
A family member of mine had a brand new expensive pen that was engraved with his name stolen at a kh. He left it on a chair with his books, got up to talk to friends, came back and it was gone. There were no 'worldly people' there that night. No-one to blame! After that incident, he always made sure his wallet was in his pocket when he was at the meetings.
I recently attended a wedding in which the only JWs present were the bride's grandparents. The reason they attended is that the bride and groom bent over backward to keep the wedding secular so the grandparents could attend.
During the reception, I watched the JWs. They looked frightened and kept glancing around as if they expected some wild, wicked worldly person to physically pounce on them. Although alcohol was served, no one got drunk or obnoxious; everyone present simply had a good time.
After the reception, the JWs' car wouldn't start. The groom and his best man examined the engine, determined what was wrong, drove somewhere to get a new part and installed it. I heard the JW grandmother say to her husband with great surprise and wonder, "They were really nice!"
The long-timers truly believe that the only decent, kind people on this earth are JWs. They have to believe that everyone else is wicked -- they must be, since Jehovah has pronounced a death sentence on them.