At a Circuit Assembly I heard Brother Manfreddy say, "You know how those weak in the truth often dress inappropriately. Half the time you can't tell if they're coming into the "Truth" or on their way out!" Now there's a jack ass. W.Once
this could make you laugh or be really angry !
by looloo 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals
We have almost 2000 people on the campus at my church every Sunday morning and all the ladies leave their unattended purses in plain sight.
There has never been any announcement regarding leaving our personal items unattended.
Not a single thing has been 'pinched' in the 3 years I have been attending.
Maybe the JW's should start going with me to satan's house to worship so they don't get their stuff ripped off at a JW assembly.
I once heard a comment at one meeting and someone was saying how he had lost his wallet at a supermarket.He returned to the store and asked at the desk and someone had handed it in, he went on to say it must have been a witness.I thought what a load of crap as if people who arent jws arent honest too.
Just a question: Could this idiot have just LOST her damned watch?!
P.S. The street value of a 10 year old Casio is not that high!
It's sad they are so indoctrinated and cut off from reality that they really do believe the only good and moral people are JWs. I had a friend once who was d/fed but wanted to bring her kids up as JWs because she wanted them to have morals. I told her you do realize there are MILLIONS of people that aren't JWs and the majority of them are good and decent people. Course she didn't listen to me, let her kids be raised JWs and now they shun her. So much for morals, eh?
the strange thing is this girls neice was abused by the same min servant that abused my child and i had to remind her that just because someone claims to love jehovah does not mean they are better than ordinary folk , and hasnt recent times prooved that just becaus esomeones a dub dosnt make them trustworthy.
mind my own
There are a lot of witnesses out there that have worse conduct than most "wordly" people! Typical that they always think they are better than everyone else. Sheesh.
That post made me angry!
My wife was reading to me the other day about a girl who lost her purse on a high school trip to Epcot in Orlando. Recently she got a package in the mail, it was her purse with all her money, travelers checks, licence, credit cards etc Disney had been refurbishing an area at Epcot and found her purse inside a wall and returned it...
She had lost it 15 YEARS before...
I guess those must have been witnesses? Cause worldly people would have just taken it right?
i recently bumped into a jw i know that told me that her watch had been pinched at an assembly , she then went on to tell me that a lot of worldly people go to assemblys ,so she should have been more carfull !!!!!!! this is someone that knows im "worldly" i was gobsmacked when i had recovered from my shock i informed her that i would not dream of stealing something despite being "worldly". i dont even think she realised how offensive it sounded and she is not usually a judgemental person , so it must be all that self righteous association she has been mixing with lol
My mom was robbed by a JW's brat kid. The kid put on a baby face and cryingly denied doing it, saying she was mistaken. No witnesses in an assembly full of JWs, so they believed the brat. Now my mom doesn't bring anything she can't carry in her purse and she doesn't leave her purse unattended at a seat anymore. My consolation is that I'm sure the brat is stealing from his own parents and that his parents will pray the price eventually. Because what goes around comes around!
I recently attended a wedding in which the only JWs present were the bride's grandparents. The reason they attended is that the bride and groom bent over backward to keep the wedding secular so the grandparents could attend.
During the reception, I watched the JWs. They looked frightened and kept glancing around as if they expected some wild, wicked worldly person to physically pounce on them. Although alcohol was served, no one got drunk or obnoxious; everyone present simply had a good time.
After the reception, the JWs' car wouldn't start. The groom and his best man examined the engine, determined what was wrong, drove somewhere to get a new part and installed it. I heard the JW grandmother say to her husband with great surprise and wonder, "They were really nice!"
The long-timers truly believe that the only decent, kind people on this earth are JWs. They have to believe that everyone else is wicked -- they must be, since Jehovah has pronounced a death sentence on them.
Sad.I think I got that one beat. Unfortunately.
I was driving along and saw a JW stopped on the side of the road. Seemed a middle aged woman all alone and she was wearing her assembly badge. I was surprised that no one stopped to help her as this was one of the main routes leading to the assembly site.
After a couple of minutes it just bothered me and I turned around just to see if anyone stopped for her. No one did.
Turns out she had a flat tire. I replaced it. I made her feel good by saying that I'm a JW but that this wasn't my assembly because when I got to her she was on the verge of tears.
I guess the JWs that were driving by wanted to be first to get the best seats for the drama or didn't want to get their clothes and hands dirty. (sarcastic grin)
But I told her that maybe she was too far from the assembly and maybe no JWs were passing by this particular way. I hoped she bought that little lie.
Now that's sad.