This is a love calculator. Just for fun, see if you are compatible with me. Then try someone else. My birthday is:
19581015 I come out
Love Calculator Results
Your LOVE percentage is 88 %. I guess I am very compatible with myself. Haha.
by FlyingHighNow 40 Replies latest social entertainment
This is a love calculator. Just for fun, see if you are compatible with me. Then try someone else. My birthday is:
19581015 I come out
Your LOVE percentage is 88 %. I guess I am very compatible with myself. Haha.
That thing must be broken. We only have an 18 percent chance.
Darn it, and I was already to swim Lake Michigan to see you. I guess I'll just have to adore you from afar.....
He he. The guy I have been going out with is only 8%. Andy is 47% You can still adore me.
You and I are only 45%. Sorry, you are a loser in the Zap Daddy sweepstakes.
Oh hey, Zap Daddy, you are only 2% less than Andy and things were pretty smokin' with Andy and he is still one of my soulmates.
He he. The guy I have been going out with is only 8%. Andy is 47% You can still adore me.
Woohoo!!! I'm adding you to my adore list. psst, actually you already were on it. Right in between Beyonce and Miranda Lambert.
Hey, when I was slimmer, my figure looked like Beyonce' without the big boobs.
My first husband wa 1% and let me tell you, if we could bottle that chemistry and sell it, we'd have been the richest people in the history of the world. Yikes, my second husband, the JW is 41%. No chemistry and mostly misery.
I've seen you FHN, you're hot as hell right now.
1st wife: 5%
2nd wife: 38%
3rd wife: 58%
Last GF: 55%