Love Calculator

by FlyingHighNow 40 Replies latest social entertainment

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, maybe it measures soul age rather than body age. Maybe you are an old soul. They say I am. I am not sure I believe in reincarnation. My mom used to tell me before I was born that I was in heaven with the angels though.

    Well, we could be good friends though.

  • LtCmd.Lore
    Well, we could be good friends though.

    Works for me.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hey, I know men who will date girls who are 31 years younger and still under twenty.

  • Abandoned
    Hey, I know men who will date girls who are 31 years younger and still under twenty.

    I'm having trouble deciding if I should ask out a 28 year old. Thirteen years younger? I don't know. Normally I prefer women who are older than me.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hey, Tom, I told ya my feelings on the matter.

  • Abandoned
    Hey, Tom, I told ya my feelings on the matter.

    I know. I still haven't made up my mind though. Durn it. Maybe I'll go back and ready your PM.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Yeah. I think you should really consider my thoughts on the matter. Yours is more complicated than just an age difference, dahlink.

  • Abandoned
    Yeah. I think you should really consider my thoughts on the matter. Yours is more complicated than just an age difference, dahlink.

    I know, I know, I know, I know, I know...

  • FlyingHighNow

    Wow, I keep trying the birthdates of celebrities and musicians that I feel greatly attracted to. And on all of them the percentage is very good. I just tried Heath Ledger and got these results. I must know how to pick out guys, they just happen to be unattainable, especially the ones who have left this earthly plain:

    Love Calculator Results

    Your LOVE percentage is 62 %

  • oldflame


    Sorry dear but we only hit at 12% But I still luv ya any ol ways

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