To Hire a JW Could Mean ...

by compound complex 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Good Morning:

    If an old thread regarding Dr. Brenda Upton v. the WTB&TS had not been bumped up, I would never have come across this horrific but spellbinding information. Please consider these opening words:

    The purpose of this website is to bring together in one website much of the information scattered across the world wide web that relates to the unique issues which American employers encounter when employing Jehovah's Witnesses. Recently, while working on a somewhat related research project, it occurred to me that I had not stumbled across a single webpage, much less website, which was dedicated to the "Non-Jehovah's Witness Employer" - "Jehovah's Witness Employee" relationship.

    Thank you,


    [Aplogies if this was already put up.]

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    No other religion in America has spent more time in the state and federal court systems. Jehovah's Witnesses have won 48 cases before the Supreme Court of the United States. That is probably more wins at the SCOTUS level than every other religious group in America put together. Considering that today's Watch Tower Society has an extremely active legal department, and considering that Jehovah's Witnesses are "favorite sons" of the ACLU, any employer who violates the civil rights of a Jehovah's Witness Employee will pay dearly for doing so.

  • WTWizard

    Legal issues aside, it means trouble. Hire a witless, and you will have trouble when the holidays come around. They cannot participate in birthday celebrations of any kind. They will need time off for all the boasting sessions and for field circus. They are likely to insist on going part time at any time in order to make time to pioneer. In some occupations, they will violate patient's rights to privacy (say, if another witless comes in for an abortion or accepts a blood transfusion). They are often late (though not all of them are, many are because they are hounded to do as much as possible in field circus.

    That group insists on getting things their way all the time in the workplace. Just saying "Merry Christmas" in earshot of those pests can get you in trouble. They rarely bring any value to the workplace (and if they do, they are mostly the weaker witlesses that may soon do apostasy). In my job, for instance, they almost got a whole crew of witlesses on nights. It is a worldly place, but the department head of one of the departments was a witless. Within 4 years, they had a couple of them fired for offenses of time clock theft and destruction of company property in a tantrum. They also had a couple of them quit without giving any notice. One walked out within a week of starting. And I am the only one surviving member--I turned apostate.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Wizard:

    There has to be a major disconnect between the reality [your story] and the convention "experiences":

    'all non-witness employees fired after surveillance found them to be thieves. The sole "honest" employee remaining was left to run the entire business till replacements could be found.'

    How my heart swelled with pride and stuck in my throat when we conventioneers learned that the honest employee was our sister in the faith. What a shout of praise!


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Trouble. All I had was trouble. Cheating on timecards, lying about works ethics and covering mistakes, taking days off and not calling in and then hiding behind the pioneer thing, stealing parts. Treating non-JW's like crap. Oh and the best one, getting sued by a JW on the basis of Religious discrimination. Yes, I was a JW at the time


    Thank you CoCo, very informative.

  • OnTheWayOut

    To hire a JW could mean:

    They want the worldly holiday off, or you are discriminating.
    They want the time off for the DC, or you are discriminating.
    Other employees are expected to limit their holiday decorating and birthday celebrations
    because it offends the JW. The JW literature left in the employee lounge is okay, though.
    Failure to limit celebrations leads to lawsuits.
    Even though they never mentioned their inability to work overtime, it's now discrimination to make
    them do it.
    When they get hurt at work, and refuse blood, the company will be sued for their death.
    They think their morals are better than that of other employees, so they see nothing wrong with
    calling in sick, taking office supplies, using company time for personal use. After all, they
    give so much and are so honest- they are better employees than all the others.
    They gain experience, turn down that promotion which would benefit the company, but expect a
    raise to reflect their experience.

  • belbab

    To Hire a JW Could Mean ..


    Lock the bloody tool shed.



  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I've known JW's that have their own business that WILL NEVER HIRE A JW! What does that tell you?


  • Gregor

    While there are many anecdotal experiences, both good and bad, with JW employees I think for the most part they are good employees. However, if you change the dynamics of the situation to a JW employer with JW employees, in my experience, you see a lot of problems because each feels they should be given special treatment by the other and discipline by the employer or complaints from the employee very likely will end up before the elders.


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