alright children, for those upset at my statistics, oh well. I can speak from experience and u speak out of your ass. Go start a company, (as if u had the ability to start and sustain a successful business), fill it with JW's and then u can call me on it after your success. Until then it's just talk. Only talk with nothing to back it up with.
To Hire a JW Could Mean ...
by compound complex 35 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Over the past few months I have seen in the news two lawsuits - one for JWs who did not get their convention time off and got fired and the other for someone who thought she should still get her husband's death benefits after he died refusing blood. A JW nurse turned my mom into the elders for child abuse because there were bruises reported on me - not to the proper authorities, mind you - the elders.
Does that mean that all JWs are bad employees? naw.... But they have their share of "special expectations."
"Does that mean that all JWs are bad employees? naw.... But they have their share of "special expectations."" Exactly, just like anyone in the world regardless of religion, sex, race or whatever will have "their share of special expectations." But by reading this forum you would think that all JW's will be bad employees or whatever else bad is out there. Just like the examples Wordly Andre brings or anyone else up of JWs stealing and lying I can come back and bring more examples of just the opposite.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I've known JW's that have their own business that WILL NEVER HIRE A JW! What does that tell you?
Maybe you know me! I never hired ANY jw even when I was doing "good in the truth." I never dealt with a biggger bunch of whiners anywhere. I saw how most of tehm behave on the job. I think it is because they think a dirty member of this dying system is not worthy of any respect.
Back in the '90's we had a family friend who was a ministerial servant in a Sacramento cong. He was also a supervisor over several big supermarkets. We used to stay at his home while attending the conventions at Arco. During one of those visits he confided to us that he had hired many pioneers and worked around their schedules so they could get their hours in. He also said he would never hire another one. He said "all of them" lied on their timecards, were constantly late and he even caught two of them working together and checking out groceries at "pioneer prices"...illegally undercharging each other (this was before bar codes). He fired them but didn't prosecute because he didn't want to sully Jehovah's name.
I also know of a couple highly educated (high school+ lol) biz owners who hired nothing but JWs....however, they only hired the ones who were "slow", "inbred", "the ones nobody else will hire" ..those are quotes. Sounds all very good however they were screwing them big-time. They were in most cases getting less than minimum wage, no overtime and such. And since one of these guys was an elder, there was no complaining, and of course they would work holidays for no extra pay.
With that said, I believe there is a reason(s) behind and it stems back to the borg of course. A lot of people associated feel torn. The WTBS told us not to get a higher education...just work at menial jobs because Big A is almost here. How do you motivate a worker that believes the END is coming tomorrow? He doesn't care about getting promoted. He doesn't care about retirement plans. Why should he. I know because I felt all of this. And let's face a Dubbie you see your workmates paying their dues, spending the overtime and getting promoted but you know in your heart that YOU know the Truth so you feel superior...However, a few years/decades of staying in the same cubicle and no End yet takes its toll. Life rolls on and your worldly workmates go on nice vacations, buy nicer cars, houses, etc.
From personal experience I speak. Even if you're above average intelligence and feel you should be recognized for this, how is any employer going to take a JW serious when they have to have sooo much time off...they don't get involved in any extracurricular activities, etc? The WTBS brainwashing of "the end is near" has its effect.
Sorry this turned into a rant but I have seen so many lives wasted or at least (in my case), delayed.
wha happened?
Bonezz that is exactly the attitude I got from my JW employees. With the exception of one or two, they all had that stupid, unmotivated, "this is temporary" attitude which made it difficult to keep a business going when thing got busy. Even the money didn't seem to matter when I hung it out like a carrot.