Software in Watchtower cd's is a good idea to monitor the "slaves". If a slave wanders to this site or something else forbidden, then the ip addy ( or name) will be sent to the Jehovah real estate corp , and the perp is disciplined. Evil but effective. Make it so stealth even spybot and adaware cannot find it. Big brother is watching the flock!
Does the Watchtower Society spy and keep tabs on "apostate" websites?
by isnrblog 17 Replies latest jw friends
I think the WTS is like any other business. I'm sure they have a group of people responsible for public relations (PR). They are probably
from the "business" side of the WTS, so they know the doctrines that are taught and the methods used, but probably are only concerned with
keeping a good spin on the organization. Good spin equals healthy business! (Translation: $$$$$)
The WTS might have trolls who visit ex-JW websites/forums, but it would eventually be a suicide mission for the individual. Even brothers considered to be the strongest spiritually and most loyal in the Org would eventually start to have some doubts, if they looked at apostate information over a long period of time. I just don't think they could pull it off without losing their insiders. Now, they could hire a legal staff and aides to do the snooping and they would then compile a report for the GB/service dept heads. That way nobody in Bethel actually has to touch the unclean thing (us).
The WTS might have trolls who visit ex-JW websites/forums, but it would eventually be a suicide mission for the individual. Even brothers considered to be the strongest spiritually and most loyal in the Org would eventually start to have some doubts, if they looked at apostate information over a long period of time.
I agree with Moshe. The evidence against the WTS presented in forums like this is overwhelming. Using their own literature! Everything has a fundament. There is no way that any troll, no matter how "spiritual" the person is, can be affected by the evidence...
Software in Watchtower cd's is a good idea to monitor the "slaves". If a slave wanders to this site or something else forbidden, then the ip addy ( or name) will be sent to the Jehovah real estate corp , and the perp is disciplined.
Worldtraveller, what a brilliant idea, very simple and effective. Much like programs like Quicktime and websites that use adware or spyware for marketing purposes. You can imagine the uproar that would occur if the followers found out.
They could be more subtle by promoting their website at the halls, have JWs sign up (opt in ) for the latest news, do surveys etc, and use that to get permission to place a cookie on a persons pc. In the process with clever wording they could ask for permission to monitor internet usage as google do.
Not to be forgotten is that Bethel is a poorly run company, and they are quite a few years behind successful corporations in the way they operate. I had a friend do some external IT work for the Australian branch and he was astounded at how poorly organised it was. He came away convinced that Holy Spirit must be assisting the place, as any other company would be out of existence with such poor procedures. It has been a "cash cow" in the past, making lots of money by doing and changing little. However, lately things are changing out of necessity. Money is becoming more scarce and it does seem they are becoming more focussed. They could have taken better advantage of the internet years ago, and it is likely this will happen eventually.
Of course they do. Why else does the WTS admonish its slaves to avoid the internet? Because they (the WTS) regularly check it out and have come to realize how effective a means it is to wake up JWs who would otherwise remain comatose, bookselling
dubs. -
Moshe, I agree too. Any long term exposure to the "Apostate sites" would raise serious questions in any rational mind.
The WTS forced the QUOTES website to shut down claiming it was embarrasing them. They also went after the website to have that shut down. They're taking a page out of the Scientology playbook which eviscerated the cult awareness network by the same legal threats.
I also personally know of two JW elders who actively seek out anti-jw sites investigating what they may make available to try and stop any "illegal" activity (more to accurately try to keep under wraps anything that makes Mommy look bad). These two are suck-ups and kiss-ups, who have well placed contacts in Canadian Bethel, and do this as a service to please them. The WTS may devote some of its staff to monitor things on their own, but I'm pretty sure they get alot of leads from pathetic wannabe spies who couldn't stand to see the organization crumble because it would take away opportunities for power trips.
If I sound a little bitter its not because I have been "sheperded" recently. Honest.