What Advice Would You Give To One Who Wants To Leave "The Truth"?

by minimus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    The first and most important step is to realise it isn't "The Truth" and has nevr been "The Truth" and will never be "The Truth" and then continue from there with whatever your personal circumstances dictate.

    The important thing is to get out of the organization with a guilt-free conscience.

  • changeling

    Fade quickly and quietly. Have a nice life.


  • R.Crusoe

    As quickly as possible help people to a different spiritual place void of guilt and fear of God!

    Atheism , Taoism, College life, Social life , anything but JW (Sue)

  • Hortensia

    I agree - find a new social network, new friends, new job, maybe. Get some education. Ideally a fade is best, if you can move somewhere that your old JW can't keep track of you. Then you can go about making friends and creating a different life without the flak you would get if you stay near to home.

  • minimus

    I agree that you MUST have new friends to make your life happier. If you leave and have no social network, you might get very discouraged and lose sight of wy you left in the first place....Loneliness can do a number on you!

  • stillajwexelder

    slow fade definitely - unless they have no family in - in that case - go oyut with a bang

  • LouBelle

    I thinks it all depends on the person and their circumstances. I for one didn't take much time, from realisation it was a lie to disfellowshipping 3 or so months - I left and never looked back - that was good for me.

    Those that have husbands/children in the truth their best bet is to just fade I reckon, in order to keep contact with those that are important.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    If you don't want to lose your family and friends you have to take as many of them out with you as you can.

    You have to do this while you are still a JW in good standing.

    Find yourself a Bible Study, real or imaginary, who asks a question you can't answer. Keep it simple and stick to the subject.

    Remember that YOU are NOT weak in the faith and and it is not YOU that is asking the question. You just need a believable explanation for your student/workmate/whoever and you need their help to find it.

    Where is the mistake in the king lists would be a good start. Get them trying to show you where the mistake is, so that you can pass it on to your student. Make it clear that an inability to do this would be an embarrassment to you and the organisation, who's reputation you wish to protect.

    Take your time. Don't bring up all of your 'bible student's' objections at once.

    Gently, gently, gently. Once their Apostate Spotting Hats © start spinning and ringing bells your chances of helping them out drop dramatically.

    If you don't want to lose your family and friends you have to be the LAST one to DA yourself.



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