hoping your daughter and grandchild will be fine.. keeping her in our thoughts and prayers
My daughter is in the hospital .......... it's kind of weird not to pray
by AWAKE&WATCHING 88 Replies latest jw friends
Positive vibes to all of you.
Unfortunately Shannon was taken back into the hospital this evening. She is in severe pain. They are keeping her overnight. She will be seen by a high risk doctor tomorrow.
I did some research on the internet yesterday and I am not very hopeful that things will go well.
The placenta is tearing away from the uterus. It will not "heal". I don't know if I posted this already. The chances of her carrying the baby long enough for it to be healthy don't seem very high. She is only 20 weeks.
I hope to know more tomorrow. I'm having a glass of wine and going to bed.
Thank you all, I love you guys.
I didn't realize things were so serious. I'm so sorry for you Robin. I hope you wake up to good news. ((((((((((((Robin))))))))))))
Bumble Bee
Aaawwww Robin, my heart breaks for you all!
Love you and Shannon
I have no words....
I hope everything goes well tomorrow for your daughter and from here on in.
If I prayed, I would mention something to SkyDaddy ;). But I don't so I'll send out good vibes your way instead. Same thing really.
Sorry to hear that A&W
I will feel for her plight!
Nature is unfortunate and sad sometimes!
I wish her well!
I'm so sorry for what you are going through as a family-esp. your daughter and her little one. My heart goes out to you all. Shelly
Over the summer, after Andy's accident and Mickey had to leave, I didn't feel up to praying. But what I did feel was a strong connection and bond to my native American foremothers. I thought about all the children they had lost and I took great comfort in thinking of them smiling over us, especially little Mickey.