OH thank god I worried all day about Shannon and baby.I'm very happy to hear this good news.
My daughter is in the hospital .......... it's kind of weird not to pray
by AWAKE&WATCHING 88 Replies latest jw friends
Great news.
When I first started reading the post I was very concerned for mom and baby and your anguish. Then when I got to page three to see that the specialist had assured her that everything is okay and the placenta is fine that was excellent news. Lets hope everything goes smooth sailing all the way to the birthing. Its doctors who speak before tests are done that irks me. They scare you and then when all is said and done it wasn't what they thought. It pays to see a specialist and always get second and third opinions.
Pleased all is well. Here are some beautiful flowers to watch. enjoy http://www.eagleheadnet.com/MyFriends.html
Great news, A & W. Now, let's party!!!!
What a relief.
A&W....How is your daughter and grandson doing?
Hey Froggy, they are well. Shannon is no longer on complete bedrest, she just has to take it easy, not up and around too much. She isn't in as much pain either. I'll let her know you asked about her.
I'll let her know you asked about her.
Thanks sweetie...hugs to you too. I can only imagine the scare it gave you all.
I remember when I was pregnant with Zach, the Dr's said he wasn't there because of an "empty womb"...they were preparing me for a DNC. I was to heartbroken but then they did extra tests and found out he was just a small baby. Believe me, after that, we got a new Dr...LOL
Hey Robin
Give her my regards
So happy to hear that your daughter and baby are doing well. It is scary when things like
this happen. May God bless them and you.
Love and hugs,