I am just trying to understand what my choices are. I have been reinstated for just over 5 yrs and still have not had my privileges back. I am a single mom and have been to all the meeting that we can, doing our best outside of kids colds and flu's, not to mention car trouble, but I have always turned in my time each month and study reports, but still I can not answer. This pains me deeply because how can I encourage my child to answer if I can not. If they ask me " why are you not answering mama why should I" Now I have gone to the PO twice and the new PO three time and to todays date, all I get is " oh, well so and so wasn't here or we are working on it. I am at the point of contacting the society. I feel as thougth I have been ignored and not important anymore, or perhaps the brothers feel bad that they have let this slide for too long knowing they have dropped the ball. What should I do, and I would appreciate a comment from one that is a practicing Jehovah's witness in good standing, not someone who is not active or angry. Please.
Reinstated 5 yrs ago
by Treebe 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am not practising (or in good standing), but I am deeply sorry for you. What you discribe is a terrible lack of love from the elders. I hope you will stick around here - you will find there is a lot of support this board can offer to you.
Wasanelder Once
Honestly, you don't expect to have anyone here encourage you to reach out for these "privileges" do you? We are happy to be done with the mind control sessions you want to participate in. This isn't anger here, it's just good sense. Take your kids miniature golfing this Sunday and don't worry what those janitors think. W.Once
With all due respect treebe this is an apostate site and I don't think this is a good place for the advice you are looking for. I am sure there are quite a few JW Discussion boards with active loyal JW's who can help you...
Also not practicing, but I can tell you that this same thing happened to me. Finally, when I asked about it for the umpteenth time, one of the elders admitted that they had forgotten about me since I seemed to be "getting along fine." Yep, that's love for ya.
My advice to you is to write a formal letter of request to have your privileges restored, and cc the circuit overseer and Bethel.
I would encourage you to read the Watchtower Society section of this board and learn more about the organization that is imposing this upon you. Also, reflect on why you would want to be a part of a religion that treats you this way instead of with Christian love.
Many people here have gone through what you have and have found a better way for themselves and their families.
I say this with respect and care for you and your kids. -
Ya, same thing happened to me. I asked, they said they would get back to me. Went on llike this for 6 months. I finally asked the PO in front of the CO. PO answered, "Oh! Didn't bro. so-so tell you , we gave them back to you 6 weeks ago." Sorry. yeah, right.
They really aren't concerned with the every day publisher. Especially if you had been DISCIPLINED. We don't matter anymore.
Sorry for you dear.
This is an example the coercive control the organization inflicts on its members. There is no more difficult possition to be in than a single mon. Using that against you is just horrible.
Stick around and you will get a different perspective of the organization. My best wishes to you and your family.
Just to answer your concern, privileges are not supposed to be "held" for an indefinite LONG time.
If they reinstated you, they should have met with you regularly to restore your privileges, explaining
any delay and what they expect of you, but ultimately restoring those privileges anyway.If I were you, I would examine this religion for the possibility that it is not God's representative on earth.
Start at jwfacts.com, freeminds.org, and do a youtube search for Jehovah's Witnesses. -
Perhaps this situation will illustrate that you are serving an organization of men, with traditions of men, that make invalid the word of God. Christ is our mediator, not an organization.