Help! I am afraid that I will join Satan...

by EvaZ 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    This is how a demon attack works:

    First, there is repetitive threats of such. The person has to be impressionable while the threats are made. The witlesses do make such threats often, implying that the demons have possessed people for listening to rock music or buying second hand items that were supposedly infested with demons. When those threats are repeated enough, you begin to believe them.

    Next, you do something "wrong". The "offense" is usually possession of something secondhand or that is slightly off-course. Or, perhaps you are going through some struggle with a problem you have been having. What happens next is that your brain will produce the effects of feeling like demon possession. This is a bicameral response to what you have been programmed to believe. Usually, there is a specific action that is necessary to perform (in the witlesses' case, that action is to find the article that is "possessed" or that is creating the "offense", throw it away, and pray to Jehovah. That is the cue your brain uses to terminate the "demon attack". Once you have done all that, your brain will cease acting like demons.

    There is another common cause of "demon attacks". Normal phenomena that are explained by science can, when the person is ignorant, mimic a demon attack. I have heard of orange juice pitchers where the lid popped off by a "demon", which turns out is thermal expansion of the air inside the pitcher. Thermal noises are very common in very cold or very hot weather, and happen when the temperature changes very quickly or the heat comes on. This is sometimes mistaken for demons.

    Another phenomenon happens just before you get to sleep. You will begin thinking in a disjointed way, which is perfectly normal. Sometimes you hallucinate at that point. Normally, you just forget about it as you drift to sleep. However, if you are woke up at that point, you will feel like a demon has possessed you. In fact, it was nothing more than a dreamlike state that is perfectly normal when a person just gets to sleep.

    Now, religion might have a temporary remedy. For instance, the witlesses tell you that, if you pray to Jehovah and get rid of the offending item, the demon "attack" will cease. Which it will, since it has been programmed to stop when you pray to Jehovah and get rid of the item. However, it is not permanent. Chances are, if you have one demon "attack", you will have others since this Jehovah is an Extortioner. You get rid of one "offending" item, the attacks stop. Some time later, it's another item. Or, perhaps you are not doing enough and the demons are "attacking"; the programmed "solution" is going out more in field circus. They are doing this to milk you. It is done intentionally to extort ever more concessions out of you.

    However, the permanent remedy is to learn what those demon "attacks" actually are. The better you are at science (or the more effort you are willing to put into learning what happens when things are heated unevenly), the less of those "demon attacks" you are going to have, and you will realize that most of those spooky noises are in fact normal. And, learning how they program you to have demon "attacks" will help you to prevent them all once and for all. Demons in fact do not attack people, and in fact Satan actually wanted to set mankind free from stagnation that would be caused by always obeying external authority. Demons are supposed to follow Satan, and the Satan that the Watchtower portrays actually wants you to be free from oppressive authority.

    Notice that Jesus' message was actually very similar. He was preaching against religious groups that were very similar to the Watchtower Society, and wanted people to think on their own. Satan tried to get people to do their own thinking, too. Once I learned that (it didn't take that long for me to figure it out), I pretty much lost all worry about ever being possessed by demons. Now, in fact, I have many "Satanic" songs in my computer and a Ouija board, without even a thought of being possessed by demons.

    However, I would be extremely wary about the Watchtower Society. Any organization that claims to represent the Bible, and then tells you not to research the accuracy of its translation or doctrine using independent sources, or tells you not to study the Bible independently, doesn't deserve your membership. Whether or not you worry about demons, you definitely do have to worry about spending your whole life in a closed system. You will spend all your time going from door to door trying to recruit people. You will be hounded to attend every single meeting (three trips to the hall a week). You will have to give up virtually all entertainment or get hounded. You will have to give up your computer (evil internet). You will have to give up the thought of having your children go to college. You will have to get rid of that cross or statue that you like. There will be no more celebrating Christmas or birthdays (compare Luke 2:10-14). You will not be allowed to have a flag in front of your house, or to vote without getting hounded.

    Is that the lifestyle you want?

  • R.Crusoe

    Good post Wizard! I now can sleep in the dark alone listening to all kinds of odd noises that occur for reasons I cant always be sure of but I have absolutely no fear of anything wanting to hurt me or any evil force and I reserve the right to not believe in God or anything apart from what makes me feel happy and in tune with nature, the sky, and whatever feels uplifting! You know one night I even had a bat in my living room from the attic after I'd taken a board down and I was excited rather than scared - aint watched a horror film in years because I see it as messing with my head since childhood!!

    As soon as I get fearful I know its that crock I was taught as a kid plus the other crock I was taught by JWs to make me eat a double whopper burger of fear that I more or less digested and came out the other end and now I just feel ill from the whole experience and am workin on it!

  • Ruskigbuss

    Again. Hello there Eva! This is also my first post in this forum and i´m a beliving christian from Sweden. I feeling that your situation pretty much reminds me of my own situation. I feel for a discussion about it here. I am 15 years old and live with my parents. I do prayers every day but when i do, my parent will always come into my room and declare that exeryting without Satan is permitted in my house, and i feel really bad about it :( For example when we eat dinner my daddy always burst ketchup on my plate and forms the number 666 on it and after it´s done he says "Now everything is correctly right". Is this really normal? He also use to slaughter some of my rabbits to "obey and pleasure the beast" so we will be free from god and he´s evil will. I think god is the greatest, and i feel really bad when i can´t do as i want with my beliefs. So can it go, when the lock is not on i mean. What do others think of my situation? Have you understood this? With kind regards from Ruskigbuss "THE REAL DEAL" in Herrhagen, Sweden.

  • R.Crusoe

    Swedish young man! The following is point blank logic so don't be offended till you've thought about it!

    If that is your fathers real way of showing you how not to fear god I think he may be overdoing his feelings maybe as a result of his own experiences in life!

    Slaughtering animals is 'perfect' behaviour for anyone who eats meat - unless of course you have it in your head that animals dying is wrong??

    Slaughtering animals for no reason seems a useless act but if it is to feed another like a dog or cat then again it is exactly like going out and buying a tin of meat for either of them!!

    Supermarket shoppers who buy MEAT are the SAME as animal KILLERS of the ancient HUNTER gatherer providing for their families survival!

    The number 666 is an unusual number to worry about and when Romans were around didn't exist outside those who used the first decimal system - over in India I think?? Definitely not over our areas of the world!! Maybe your dad is fed up with the killing of men in the name of god!!?

    If you look directly at satanism it works along the lines of enjoying being a human with others who feel the same! Good idea to me!! But I don't agree with its idea of shunning others just because they annoy you without mercy - and that sounds like a JW rule they disguise to me!!

    I think ideas in films and games are very misleading because the make believe in them is nothing like real life and it could cause some people to get brainwashed into trying to copy it! That is not the same as evil versus good but I think people being brainwashed by things which are not good for humans in helping them harm noone and live in harmony with each other! It is a world full of odd influences so look out for yourself and protect your inner feelings as best you can! The life ahead is much, much longer than the part you already lived so take time and try not to rush anything you're uncertain about!

    So me - I worry less about what others think of the world around me and feel my own thoughts inside my own life that is a gift to me and respect other life that is a gift to others. If I can find other people who love life and enjoying all that is human to enjoy and want to share without any harm to anyone - then I will go ahead no question! But otherwise I learn to find good energy in nature and the elements so I don't become too weak! One other point - wherever you are look out that you follow their law - like some places its ok to do one thing for fun but another place you get life - like I said - look out for yourself and good luck - same to Eva!

  • jgnat

    The mind is a very strange thing. If you tell it not to think on a thing, you think about it many times more. I follow my pastor's advice and don't worry about those thoughts. He said,

    "You can't keep the bird from flying over your head but you can stop it from building a nest in your hair."

    So as long as you don't go out and act on those strange thoughts, they will go away.

  • Layla33

    Please seek professional help. Those violent sadistic thoughts are not normal. The scriptures and long tedious posts are not helpful to some who is obviously tormented. To be quite honest, this is beyond the crux of this board.

    I do believe you are just dealing with some turmoil and possibly having some therapy and a chance to talk your thoughts out with a professional will help you.

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