I've been able to maintain contact with a JW friend--even though I've been out of the Organization for over 20 years. I brought up the UN subject with him and got this interesting reply. My friend is an elder now and former Bethelite:
Does it bother me that there could be some sort of affiliation with the UN? Not in the least. We have to have some sort of relationship with the governments that we live under even though we know that Jehovah will destroy them. I have friends who are not JW's and know that God will deal with all in perfect mercy and justice. We have to live peacefully within our communities that include other religions; we have to show tolerance to be tolerated by others. And what about Jehovah's judgements in the future? My view: that's His job, not mine. The problems with religions come when we try to rush those judgements somewhat (ex: our Islamic pals of late). I was sorry to here the brothers at Brooklyn reacted to questioning by withdrawing. The better responce would have been: MYOB. Oh well.
A better response than the "library card" defense. I don't agree with it but it's a more honorable defense.
Any comments?