One JW response to WT/UN

by CatholicGuy 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim


    Not wishing you to jeapordize your friendship with the JW/Elder, but again, the hypocracy exists not in XJW's pointing this out, but in the Society itself. A simular relationship of an individual dub with the YMCA, or the local ministerial alliance, even if it was to further the "kingdom work" would result in a DF or rather, be seen as having DA'd themselves.

    Have you posted your story here?

    Yeru another Catholic guy

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,
    Thirdson's rebuttal is right on target, as is Path's comments on the ``ad hominem'' coda to the elder's remarks. It's astonishing to me how JWs react excitedly to even the most temperate, well-presented criticism. They act so shocked when whenever an opponent, with equanimity, finally responds to years of provocative, mean-spirited denunuciations and insults, with a reasoned exposition of facts in defense.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Catholic Guy,

    Thanks for sharing with us your friend's answers.

    Quite interesting. Would you mind posting it on the main thread
    i.e. " Major UN/WTBS News…" to give many more the
    opportunity to read comments …!

    Allow me to dwell on Thirdson E X C E L L E N T arguments:

    1) The WTS chose to associate with the UN and either lied to the UN when it agreed to support the UN charter or lied since in making excuses.

    2) As for Paul, he didn't apply for Roman citizenship he inherited it. Most people are citizens by birth. JW immigrants have had problems becoming US citizens because of renouncing previous citizenship and swearing allegiance to USA.

    Very logical, factual and TRUTHFUL points!!!

    3) Being an associate of the UN is not necessary for the functioning of the WTS nor required for furthering the interests of God's kingdom if God is in charge.

    4)The WTS associated for reasons of political expediancy (my view) and the related pressing need tax breaks and money.

    Now try to dismiss, refute or discuss about this one!!!

    5) As for the UN charter if there is nothing wrong with it, why does the WTS denounce the UN?
    Surely, they should be supporting the UN as the interim and only means for peace and concord while awaiting God's Kingdom.

    Now try to dismiss, refute or discuss about these points.

    And, one must not forget that the "request" for affiliation, the affiliation status etc. etc.
    has being HIDDEN to the vast majority of the " worldwide brotherhood of JW's "
    for 10 long years!!! WHY if it WAS NOT MORALLY WRONG???

    The last question that springs in my mind:

    - WHY such an HASTY withdrawal, retreat, within 48 hours from the matter beeing
    made PUBLIC by a WORDLY source??? WHY, WHY, WHY???

    Finally a great point also from CornerStone :

    "… THEY KNOW they would have ANYBODY disfellowshipped who publicly acknowledged their support of the United Nations and its charter!

    I believe the borg masters have such hate, such contempt for the R&F. This is why they keep actions like their UN involvement a secret because they don't TRUST their flock to follow them."

    A good point from Room 215:

    "..They act so shocked when whenever an opponent, with equanimity, finally responds to years of provocative, mean-spirited denunuciations and insults, with a reasoned exposition of facts in defense."

    Great and logical reasoning!

    It is a very sad fact, that we'll never receive
    sincere and truthful answers from the WTBS
    on such questions.

    Greetings , J.C.MacHislopp

    P.S. This will be posted also,
    on the main thread.

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

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