What was the significance of all the focus on the foreskin? The WT has tried to make a case that it was God's wisdom for humans health to remove it, even though God created man with it. A design flaw followed by a manufacturers recall? The health angle has been proven untrue. And the practice by the Israelites of mutilating the dead Philistines by cutting off the foreskins and bringing them back to the King. etc etc. What the hell?
God of the OT - not so gentle with gentiles genitals
by Gregor 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Homerovah the Almighty
Holly snapping fore-skins what a loaded question. maybe it would be better to Wiki ( Circumcision ) any Jewish people here ?
Maybe it was an attempt to correct god's screw up and someone made it into Hebrew law
We had 7 boys in the family so we just used mom's K-tel slice and dicer
I'm sort of bitter about having been mutilated from time to time....
Apparently circumsion lowers the pleasure experienced during intercourse, wouldn't surprise me, as that would be something the OT God would love to have happen once we "Sinned" we must be changed physically!
Maybe the logic behind cutting off the foreskins was that they take up far less room and travel lighter than a bag of thumbs, toes or other extremities.
Rub a Dub
I don't know about all that & how you men feel...but from a woman's point of view, I can attest that we would rather see a circumcised penis up close & (uhm...perform oral) than on one that is not.....Just a point of view....
I can attest that we would rather see a circumcised penis up close & (uhm...perform oral) than on one that is not
I really like Babygirl's attitute.
Way to go girl !!!
Rub a Dub
Genital Genocide!
Gregor, thanks for this very funny thread... I agree
Minican, dude we always seem to be at odds... you're worried about your pleasure, like you think you're not going to get off? I'm glad I don't get off too soon, which more pleasere would clearly casue, and worse yet, its hard enough to keep a girlfriend, how you gonna keep one if you're feeling just a little too much pleasure? If you catch my drift.. I bet you one million dollars that your lady would prefer you not to feel more pleasure then her, and I bet you further still the results for will be the same reguardless.
Maybe this law was thought yp by the lady Isrealites, or the men that couldn't keep their ladies becasue they were feeling just a little too much pleasure.
Yes God loves the smell of burnt animal flesh - especially Bulls , and also he loves foreskins. He must want to make a mother of all briefcases out of foreskins up in heaven
Eyes Open
May I just say that your topic title made me laugh out loud.