On pages 638 and 639 of its October 15 1954 Watchtower, the organization answered the following question:
How does Jehovah’s spirit help the “faithful and discreet slave” arrive at the truth of a matter? The Society does not claim infallibility or inspiration. How much is dependent upon the written Word? How can we be sure that this is the organization Jehovah is using when some things are published and later changed?
A 296.43 kB scan of their answer is provided at:
I have also provided pages 81 – 84 of Alan Rogerson’s 1969 book, “Millions now living will never die: A study of Jehovah’s Witnesses”, since he makes comments that are pertinent to the above 1954 answer from the WTS.
A 467.56 kB scan of Rogerson’s pages are available at: