When certain "pillars" left the fold, were you shocked?
Were U Surprised When Certain People Left The Organization?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
There was one who left that absoultely totally dumfounded me - all the rest I expected because I disfellowhipped them !!
I was shocked that I left the organization. Seriously. So was my non-JW sister. She said it gave her hope. If I, the girl living in "Unicorn Land" (her words) could wake up and walk away from it, there was some Serious Hope.
I am too newly out to know whom among those I've been close to has escaped. It would give me real courage and faith in humanity if I could come across some prominent elders or CO's I knew who left. I hope that will happen to me someday.
I've been around the block enough times, nothing surprises me. It's not hard to figure why someone stays in or gets out.
Everybodies working an angle.
And some are having an angle worked on them.
I have left mentally and emotionally. Does that count? I was thinking about this the other day the org seems to have grown but when you go around there are always a lot of new people and many old ones no where to be found. I have known so many thru the years that are not in anymore and I say good for them!!!!!!
my sentiment echoes GoddessRachel's in that it was my departure that i find most unbelievable...... the ones who departed in the nearly 2 decades i was "in" surprised no one
even as i struggled with an immense crisis involving my children and arrests and courts and cops and lawyersand shrinks and social workers, i still considered myself a witness, addressed my prayers and lamentations to their god and stayed as firmly in the faith as one can on the way to a nervous breakdwn...
maybe it was an all encompassing numbness that melded with that aspect of my life and ultimately allowed my decision to just let it die a natural death....
the right circumstances and anything is possible for anyone..... so there are bound to be surprises in lots of congros
Early on as a young JW i was shocked when the Bro. i studied left and was DF. He had been to TMS, Bethel, you name it, he did it. He was even on one of the WTS video's. It was expalined to me that he was an "apostate". I've often wondered what happened to him.
A few would be shocked if I totally left
What surprised me even more, were those who were raised around the truth, and didn't think it was the truth at all. I used to wonder, what was it that they know, or even think they know, is wrong with Jehovah's Organisation? How can anyone be around Jehovah's people as well as his organisation, and feel that it is not the truth? Always befuddled me.