Pastors and clergy need respect and to be taken seriously. It's much easier for them to get from their parishioners than getting it here. Here, they have to realllly work for it.
Why don't I see any pastors or clergy on this forum?
by moshe 39 Replies latest jw friends
Former Chaplain...
My neighbor right next door is a pastor of the Lutheran church just on the corner of our street. Totally freaks me out. They just moved in about a year ago and I totally avoid talking to them at all costs. It's really hard because for some reason the Pastor seems to like to try to talk to us and is constantly trying to talk to us when we are outside. Uggggghhh what do I do? I hate talking about religion.
It's really hard because for some reason the Pastor seems to like to try to talk to us and is constantly trying to talk to us when we are outside.
Isn't that what neighbors are for? Perhaps he's just being a good neighbor. What does he talk about?
I hate talking about religion.
Perhaps he does too. Most I know do. Remember, his faith may be quite different to what you've experienced at the KH - a personal faith, rather than 'a religion' or an "Organisation™"
What does he talk about? Well so far no religious stuff but maybe I'm just sensitive or paranoid. When I go out on my deck to grill food every single time he is out there and I am putting food on the grill he yells out at me asking what I am making. Maybe I'm just being weird I don't know but this Pastor has a wife and my husband would never yell out at his wife when she is out on there deck hey what are you making on the grill and we have seen his wife out there many times alone.
Yeah I'm probably just paranoid but hey what can I say of all the people to move in next door a Pastor? All I can say is I feel judgement coming if I ever do talk about religion. It's just been my experience. I'm judged by my family and judged by my husbands family for not going along with there religion and they are Lutheran it's like I can't get away from it no matter what.
OK and this may sound even more paranoid but this Pastor has never gone out of his way to talk to my husband like this just me. If both me and my husband are outside on the deck he ignores us but if I am alone is when he yells over to try to talk. Anyway I am not happy about this situation. Not the subject of the post sorry.
you're uncomfortable with what's going on - there must be a reason. Trust yourself, why does he ignore you when your husband is out with you, and try to talk with you when you are alone? Maybe it's time to plant a bunch of trees or a nice big fence and a thorny vine between the two houses.
Oh yeah I've definately been thinking a tall privacy fence lately. One more thing that happened was one day I left to go to the post office which I do almost every day since I have a home business. I get almost to the post office and notice him behind me and then when I get there I go in and he has not gotten out of his van until I leave the post office and then he walks in as I am leaving and I get into my vehicle and he looks back at me for way too long just standing there before he opens the door of the post office. I think that was when I decided this whole thing was a bit weird.
OK, back on topic!
Any comments on the topic welcome.
Gee thanks. This will probably be my last post.