Radio Interview w/Attorney Louderback-Wood 1/26/08 re: Blood

by AndersonsInfo 34 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • fjtoth

    Wow!!! The best 17-minutes of radio I've heard in years! I hope it was recorded and that we'll be able to hear it again. Frank

  • AndersonsInfo

    Kerry did an outstanding job. She hit blood misrepresentation issues, coersion, college, the UN, all spoken in an articulate, credible manner. An ex-elder, "Vince" called who said he left the org. two years ago. Vince also made outstanding jabs at WT's medical misrepresentation, no vaccination, no organ transplants, etc. Richar Rawe called and asked if there were any other problematic issues within the Witness group? Kerry went right into the pedophilia problem within the organization. Mentioned NBC Nightly News program, two-witness policy, said she personally knew of two molesters in Florida when she was a teenager attending meetings. Sean Leslie, the interviewer, was polite and his questions were right on the money. Couldn't have been better!

    Thank you Kerry. You're one great gal. I can just see you in a court room. What a winner.


  • Tatiana

    Anyone record this? alt

  • skeeter1

    If you missed the live program.....

    It's now available on

    Look down the left side unitl you see "audio vault"

    You have to set up a user account.

    Once you have your new account, get into the audit vault and check on 4:00 p.m. on 1/26/2008

    There is a few minutes of news, weather, news, more news, news, news, news... (about 10 minute of it).

    And then.....Kerry Louderback-Wood discusses the JWs, blood, misrepresentations within the JW religion, her mother's lifel & death, college, pedophilia, & coercion &

    Definately, worth the 10 minute wait. (I was not able to fast forward through the news....each time I did, it started).


  • betweenworlds

    Well crud! I try to access it and it says it is currently unavailable :(

  • Vinny

    Barbara said:..."An ex-elder, "Vince" called who said he left the org. two years ago. Vince also made outstanding jabs at WT's medical misrepresentation, no vaccination, no organ transplants, etc"

    I was surprised though at how short the spot was. I was basically hung-up on when the host ran out of time right in the middle of my point. I was going to say one cannot even disagree with the JW blood doctrine without being cut-off, as was the case with me.

    Aside for the abrupt ending I thought it was an excellent show overall.

    Hopefully many JW's learned a few things!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The interview can be downloaded from

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Thanks Nathan for making this available so everyone could hear it. Hopefully, at least a few JW's will listen and not dismiss it all as apostate lies.

    Vinny: You did a nice job "representing" on your call in. The guy who called in before you sounded strange, like he was trying to disguise his voice or something.


    ps: In regards to Kerry's comments on the WTBTS misrepresenting the dangers of blood transfusions, here's a link to an article showing that adverse reactions to incompatible blood transfusions result in fatalities only 1 in out of every 1,800,000 units tranfused. I'm guessing you will not find that statistic in any Watchtower any time soon.

    Here's another site that gives the incidence of contaminated blood products that result in severe illness as 1 in 50,000 units for platelets, and 1 in 500,000 units for whole blood. This is because units of fractions such as platelets or IgG are made from approximately 1000 donations of whole blood, so the risk increases exponentially.

    Still, hardly, the game of russian roulette the WTBTS makes it out to be.

  • belbab


    Richard Rawe (pronounced Raw way) has had throat cancer.

    He did very well, even with his disability.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Oh, thanks for filling me in Belbab. As soon as I wrote that comment, I thought to myself, I bet he has throat cancer or something and I'm going to make a complete ass out of myself. Sure enough! My sincere apologies to Richard if he has read this thread. May you stay well.

    More statistics, on the risks of contracting infectious diseases from blood transfusions. Please note, these are from reputable sources and I'm posting the links so they can be verified.

    Table 2. Estimated Risk of Transmitting Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus and Hepatitis (Per Unit Transfused)

    Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus1/1,779,000
    Hepatitis C Virus1/1,613,000
    HepatitisB Virus1/171,000


    I'm off to search for some stats on the chances of actually surviving a severe blood loss without a tranfusion. I suspect it will be very enlightening.

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