Survey: How many want me to keep posting?

by troubled 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • troubled

    Since Hawkaw and Messenger (and others?) have suspicions about me being some kind of informant or troll, I would like to know how the rest of you feel about my posts?

    If it were up to you, would you want me to continue posting or not? Please be honest. I will not be offended.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    This is a public forum. If you are a snoop or simply a troll, you could return with a different ID and continue your snooping trollish ways.

    Do what >YOU< want to do.

    I remind myself that what other people think of me is none of my business. I suggest you do the same.

    I gave up "judging" people when I left the Dubs. Hopefully soon you'll become an arch-apostate like myself.

    "I wish to see, and I mean this most sincerely, I wish to see the last King strangled with the guts of the last Priest." - Voltaire
  • rem

    I enjoy your posts. Many of us were once in a similar position as you. You have to do what is right for you and I respect your looking at both sides of the issue before coming to a conclusion.


    'A scientific opinion is one which there is some reason to believe is true; an unscientific opinion is one which is held for some reason other than its probable truth.' - Bertrand Russell

  • outnfree

    Post all you want, troubled.

    I don't think you're a troll.

    And this is not some exclusive, members-only, country club. Diversity is welcome.


    Par dessus toutes choses, soyez bons. La bonte est ce qui ressemble le plus a Dieu et ce qui desarme le plus les hommes -- Lacordaire


    troubled,there are alot of people here with a lot of different ideas.Dont be put off if they dont line up with yours.I dont think anybody wants you gone.Keep your chin up,hang out and enjoy the diversity of the board.HAVE A GOOD DAY EH!...OUTLAW

  • myMichelle

    Ditto Nates sentiments, so some other posters are frustrated with you--so what?


  • Mindchild

    Hmmm...I don't have any problem with you continuing to post. I wish we all were playing a little nicer at times with each other and let different views be expressed. You don't have to agree with mine or anyone else's can march to your own drummer. I think the only time people get pissed is when somebody takes a sharp stick and pokes them in the eye...ouch.


    "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. The religion which based on experience, which refuses dogmatic. If there's any religion that would cope the scientific needs it will be Buddhism...." Albert Einstein

  • troubled

    back up

  • hawkaw

    Enough ..... absolutely enough .... post Troubled post ....

    I have responded to you on now two other threads besides this.


  • Mum

    It doesn't matter. I don't care if anyone wants me to post here or not. They don't care anyway.

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