Any introverts out there?

by wings 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    I thought of you and your bird when I started this thread. How the conversation going tonight?

    I was holding him on my chest while watching TV. He fell asleep. I fell asleep. I snored, scaring the hell out of him. He squawked, scaring the hell out of me. I'm lucky he didn't bite my chin.


  • wings

    FF that is the first snort laugh of the day.. to you and your bird....thanks

    what is his/her name?

  • Finally-Free

    His name is Rocco, but he also answers to 'sweetums' and 'fluffles'.


  • wings

    I like Rocco, nice to meet you.

  • maxwell

    I haven't taken the tests referred to in this thread, but every other personality test I've taken has said I was an an introvert. And I can basically recognize myself as an introvert. I am not a recluse. I don't necessarily want to be alone all the time. I like living alone in my own space, and I anticipate that this is how I will live the rest of my life. And believe it or not, I have actually considered what it would be like to be a recluse or a hermit. But that idea doesn't appeal to me. I want regular human contact, but I very much like living alone.

    I'm fairly comfortable with being a quiet introvert. It is discouraging at times that most people seem to be drawn to extroverts and are sometimes even suspect of quiet people. I try to be a little more outgoing without making the mistake of attempting to be something that I am not (for example, the life of the party). But I am perfectly happy hanging out with a few people and having a half hour or so go by without any words being exchanged. Unfortunately, for many other people, that makes them uncomfortable. So depending on the situation, I'll come up with something meaningless to ease their discomfort.

  • Crumpet
    I try to be a little more outgoing without making the mistake of attempting to be something that I am not (for example, the life of the party). But I am perfectly happy hanging out with a few people and having a half hour or so go by without any words being exchanged. Unfortunately, for many other people, that makes them uncomfortable. So depending on the situation, I'll come up with something meaningless to ease their discomfort.

    Ditto nearly all of this Maxwell.

    FF - one day I have to meet your bird. Think you'd let sweetums come on a date with me?

  • Mastodon

    I am loud, overbearing, obnoxious litle introvert. Yes I am.

  • Crumpet
    I am loud, overbearing, obnoxious litle introvert. Yes I am.

    I can testify to that.

  • KeepinSane

    Definately introvert here.

    This was always something that really annoyed me with the dubs, btw...It wasn't OK to be an introvert as a jw. I managed to fake it for too many years, and yes, it contributed to the "burn out" I experienced as a jw.


    Of the Glad to "Just Be Me" class.

  • Sunnygal41

    i missed the test FF posted............wonder if it's like the one i took a number of years ago........i came up on that one INFP..........I don't mind being home by myself most of the time, I work in a busy office all day, answering phones and dealing with people in and out and on the weekends, it is heavenly to just stay at home and watch a movie or tv or fool around on the computer............i was a loner as a kid too, preferring to walk in the woods alone or horseback..........before the jw's got ahold of me..........i think that 25 years of being guilted into going to meetings five days a week and out in service and to all those assemblies and being surrounded by people people people all the time kind of burned me out..............

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