MISSING LINK- I agree with your take . When the elders get caught with their hand " in the cookie jar " it's always s " shoot the messenger " time ! Because they really DO feel incorrectly so, that they are appointed by holy spirit , they feel they don't make mistakes - in this they mirror the governing body .
CARLA - It is true. JW's do throw away their families ! And the insanity of it ? - They think they are doing God and their family a favor by doing it ! Talk about mind control ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Did You Ever See this in Your Congregation ? Mind Control - By Hassan
by flipper 23 Replies latest jw friends
Mr. Flipper,
I had a problem with an elder that had an agenda when I was young. He had a very wild son who continued to get into trouble, therefore he would try to pin the blame on others in the congregation that were around the same age. The kid was a cocky brat, so I didn't do much with him as I couldn't stand him. I know for a fact that a friend of mine got publicly reproved just to take the heat off of this elders family. The elder tried it with me, but I was far enough from his kid that he couldn't touch me (not that he didn't want to).
As an epilogue, the elder got disfellowshipped for whoring around while out of town on business. It later came out that he molested his daughters while they were growing up. The son joined the military, went AWOL, and was murdered by someone (rumors were a drug deal gone bad).
WOW ! JK - That was certainly a crazy version of the soap opera , " As the Stomach turns " , wasn't it ? Glad you kept your distance from this crazy elders son so you were never implicated in anything ! In fact- I'm glad you stayed away from the elder himself , crazy twit that he was ! You have that street wisdom bro , which always lets me know - you will be O.K ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Just wanted to bump this up to see if anyone had crazy experiences similar to this in " group mind control" in congregations when we were witnesses . This experience shows how prominent people influence others views of people in a damaging way. What experiences did you have ?? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Flipper I gotta ask is it because of cult mentality or saving one's *ss? I think if this elder you talk about acted like he did he did it to save his position and maybe keep himself out of jail.
MULTIFARIOUS - Good questions by you ! Sorry I didn't reply yesterday as a snow storm came in and knocked our power and computer off for 8 hours last night ! Anyway you are correct on both counts ; yes the elder was trying to save his own a$$ as an elder , and he was trying to exercise " cult mind control" over members of the congregation too.
He was so devious about saving his supposed " good reputation " as an elder that he tried to throw his daughter under the bus so to speak by speaking badly about her to others in the congregation ! And , not being content with that he got his gossiping wife to go around to many rank and file members of the congregation trying to persuade them to go against his daughter as well. So he tried to exercise , " mind control and information control " over people in the congregation to influence their opinion of his daughter!
But in the end karma always has a way of biting people in the a$$. He was removed as an elder for the in-home abuse of his family. He moved away in disgrace , but not until he appealed the decision to the society - which he lost. Sadly - the daughter was so ripped up from it as it destroyed her relationship with her parents . But it caused a lot of needless dissension in that congregation -
cognizant dissident
My father did the same thing to me when I was 17, He went around and told the elders not to let their daughters hang around with me as I was bad association. I hadn't actually been caught doing anything wrong. At the same time, my father beat me black and blue for talking to boys after school/ accepting ride home, meeting them at the mall, etc. He contacted my teachers to pump them for info about who I was talking to at school, etc. I didn't realize at the time how much he was trying to isolate and control me. He wouldn't let me get a social insurance number or a job. It wasn't until years later when I read about abusive relationships how much my father's behaviour fit the bill. That was all I was used to. Today, I realize, I could have had him arrested for a couple of things he did.
COG- I'm so sorry to hear you were treated that way by your dad. I am quite sure you could have had him arrested for the abuse he doled out to you. I think in spreading insidious rumors about people ; whether it was in the JW congregation or elsewhere it always turns out to be destructive - especially when they are false. I am glad you have been able to move on Cog and realize what abusive relationships are and be able to find peace in your life