Did You Ever See this in Your Congregation ? Mind Control - By Hassan

by flipper 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    Yeah ~

    my story was a bit the same, I think I told at least part of it here... My dad was a PO, abusive physically and swore a lot, etc...

    I said something to an Elder, I was about 7 at the time. I was sooooo scared to tell because I thought my dad would kill me if he found out I told. I kinda accepted it, because if he didn't get found out, I figured he would never stop... (My brothers got the brunt of if...)

    The elder never said anything to anybody... I never forgave him for that. Guess my Dad was the most powerful Elder? I don't know, but I felt betrayed and hurt by everyone around me... I hated my mom cause she knew and she saw things firsthand and could help us and did f**kin nuthing. I hated that she let us go through that and didn't do a damn thing...

    After that, I felt kinda helpless about it... I just felt that the very ones who were supposed to love me the most were the very ones who betrayed me...

    Another JW came to visit once, she heard him screaming swearing... Nothing ever came of it...

  • flipper

    COGNAC- I'm so sorry that you went through that as a girl. The abuse of power over others is absolutely carried on in the witness organization and the trickle down effect starts at the governing body , down to the elders , into the congregations , and then into the home life of each rank and file JW member . It truly is disgusting .

    It truly is sad when people we thought we could trust , turn around and hurt us and don't protect us. It is sad that appearance outwardly to others in the congregation is what propels these elders and some others to look good on the outside ; but when the " cameras " aren't rolling so to speak , when they get inside their homes - they turn into freaking emotional terrorists ! I would go so far as saying that those who live like that have definite chemical imbalances - or are just plain bad, mean spirited people. I hope you get better emotional support from your husband Cognac . My wife and I send our love - and are always here if you'd like to talk , sis ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • cognac

    thanks flipper!

    I've seen the whole power thing many, many times with elders... I guess your around them your whole life, you see it a lot...

    My parents were shocked when I was diagnosed with "Paranoid Personality Disorder"... lol, i wonder why...

    I must say though, to be able to say things, finally through this forum and actually receive support, is such a great thing!!! Just to be able to say things that have been a weight to me for years and get that burden off me, it's awesome!!!!!!!!

    I actually feel like I'm starting to "get better"... I feel like such a happier person!!!!!!!!!!

  • flipper

    COGNAC- I am so happy you are able to communicate these things and open up about them ! It truly is a healing process and you are giving yourself time to heal from the " mind control" which we all have experienced exiting the cult ! My wife and I are proud of you, and what you are accomplishing with yourself ! Keep up the good work sis , we are always here too,we consider it an honor to call you a friend ! Good luck ! and, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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