Yeah ~
my story was a bit the same, I think I told at least part of it here... My dad was a PO, abusive physically and swore a lot, etc...
I said something to an Elder, I was about 7 at the time. I was sooooo scared to tell because I thought my dad would kill me if he found out I told. I kinda accepted it, because if he didn't get found out, I figured he would never stop... (My brothers got the brunt of if...)
The elder never said anything to anybody... I never forgave him for that. Guess my Dad was the most powerful Elder? I don't know, but I felt betrayed and hurt by everyone around me... I hated my mom cause she knew and she saw things firsthand and could help us and did f**kin nuthing. I hated that she let us go through that and didn't do a damn thing...
After that, I felt kinda helpless about it... I just felt that the very ones who were supposed to love me the most were the very ones who betrayed me...
Another JW came to visit once, she heard him screaming swearing... Nothing ever came of it...