When i was a teenager, my family and I had the privilege of visiting the watch tower society, receiving an extensive tour as we had longtime friends working there. While visiting we were walking past a locked chamber with many many books in it that absolutely NO one was able to touch or read. This was literature that was written/published by Charles Taze Russell. I would like to know why we all do not have access to read whats been written in these books. What is being hidden? If this is the truth, and a true organization then there should be nothing hidden. If these books and writings need to be locked away due to inaccurate prophecy's and tales, then what makes anything written now accurate? In my personal opinion, that would be like playing a game with some friends and making up the rules as you go along. It doesn't work that way in my opinion. I am just looking for some answers to my long time questions.
Literature published by Charles Russell that is locked away.
by Bjort 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I've always held the belief that real truth should be able to stand on it's own merit, and has nothing to fear from a close objective examination.
Welcome to the board.
TJ - iAmCleared2Land
I don't know the answer to your question about old books at Bethel, but...
Welcome to JWD, Bjort!
The Watchtower Society no longer teaches most of what is in those old books. However, they are available if you are interested in getting them.
I purchased several CDs at http://www.researchapplications.org/HTML%20pages/products.html
The Paster Russell Anthology has 18,500 pages; 38 different titles including The Divine Plan of the Ages, The Finished Mystery, etc.
Rutherford's Rainbow (2nd Edition) has 8000 pages; 21 titles from The Harp of God (1921) to Children (1941) plus The Revelation (1918), The Way to Paradise (1925) and Angels and Women (1924).
I would imagine that some of it is locked away due to the value. Some of the original books, ie; Three Worlds are worth thousands of dollars each in the marketplace. Add to the fact that many of those books are some that were most likely Russell's personal stash, complete with signatures, etc. would dramatically increase the value. I bet they are locked up to avoid people with "sticky fingers", as many would love to have some of those early publications, hand written documents, rough drafts of the publications, etc. therefore they keep them under lock and key.
Lady Lee
I think it is under lock and key because the last thing the WTS wants is for JWs to read some of it and see just how odd some of Russell's teaching were.
And while the WTS locks it up there are plenty of places on the internet that have Russelites or Bible Students posting Russell's info for free.
Welcome to the Board!
Well if you are really interested in what the books said, simply google the Bible Students. Most of their sites have Russells writings. All the ZWTs are on www.ctrussell.us and is a great site for Russell material. Rutherford and early Knorr are a bit harder. www.strictlygenteel.co.uk has some stuff. Google books, has Finished Mystery and one of the editions of Harp of God. Many fine JWD posters upload books and tracts in PDF. Try using the search button above and searching PDF.
Welcome to JWD!
I know of one other person that has seen the room you are talking about. The poster Seven006 saw it when he was at Bethel.
Wasanelder Once
I saw this when visiting in 1986. It's merely a display of what was published years ago. Most of it is available around the country by diehard collectors. Certainly not the "Three Worlds" book, but who cares. It's online now. It was no secret and it was put away to avoid disintegration. That stuff is way old. W.Once
Burger Time
Didn't Barb Anderson have access to that top secret library?