AK - Jeff: ( good one)
Getting the forum back on track
by Simon 147 Replies latest forum announcements
AK - Jeff
Just a little levity there, girls.
Crumpet, here's his website. Not really my twin though. [ Just in case someone wants to accuse me of lying on the internet.]
Surprise? Want one? I agree with Simon. Please don't fall over backwards, Simon. How's the Canadian winter doing?
Simon. How's the Canadian winter doing?
It's slightly cool at the moment ... below -31 yesterday and -45 with windchill . Took me agest to defrost after clearing the snow off the path!
Good man Simon.
One suggestion - the volume of posts is pretty overwhelming. I think it would be a lot better if posts were categorized into JW / Non JW groups (for topics like "whats your favorite band"). I'd love to be able to ignore those types of posts altogether to save time and make sure I don't miss the good stuff.
A JWD mission statement lol
Your quote is misleading and obviously intended to be IMO. If that is the best you can do (dragging up a post from 2005) then I don't think I have been doing too badly, do you?
My post was directed to the author and content of the article that was posted which I think tried to blame the media for the woes in Iraq rather than the administration and the military who had actually caused the issues.
Well, I won't try to solicit funds, but how about sacks of dried lima beans? My bird, Rocco, loves them (after I cook them), and would appreciate all he can get.
So the chances of me getting the money for my sex change is what?? Zero?
I'm off the scientologists ....they will believe anything