I believe that people that challenge another person's right to an opinion should, in fact, have the burden to prove it wrong instead of the person who expresses opinions or predictions proving it right. Many times, we predict something and it turns out wrong (how often do the leaders of the Watchtower Society do things that are designed to be extremely difficult to prove and even harder to spot?
A key example of this was that I spotted on www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/115757/1.ashx that the Watchtower Society passed a resolution banning entertainment. When I posted that observation, several posters (whom I will not mention the names because I do not want to start a flame war) demanded proof of it beyond what was on that thread. The resolution was worded in such a way that it was extremely difficult to spot that. And, sure enough (if the April 2008 Kool Aid is correct, and I think the threads about it that are starting to appear are), they are starting to enact that ban (too much fun is a "valueless thing"). Now, people do have the right to argue that they don't see where entertainment is being banned, but people demanding proof when it is worded so it would be nearly impossible to prove on matters like that might put off other posters that might see similar trends in the Watchtower Society.
As for lies about personal matters, I do not give a fxxx about these things. As I believe in allowing freedom of personal lifestyle, and most of those things do not affect me, I have absolutely no problem except when someone is soliciting donations for some scam (like those Nigerian scams I have been seeing a lot of everywhere). That kind of drama has no effect on me, since I am not in the least interested in controlling others. And, when they abruptly change courses, often it's someone exercising free will (which is inherently unpredictable). I usually ignore most of the insults on personal problem threads, since unless I can offer something rational to deal with or remove the personal problem, I usually stay out of such things.
I think most of us have had enough of having to back up everything we say with official sources. The Watchtower Society forces every opinion to be backed up by their material. I, for one, prefer a religiously neutral forum where we all have the freedom to pursue whatever we want, or no religion at all. And, I like being able to make observations and predictions based on what I know, even if it is wrong, and being able to correct myself if necessary (even if someone consistently predicts the same thing and is wrong, the sole penalty is that they will be embarrassed when that date comes up and nothing happens). We all make stupid mistakes, we all have opinions and predictions about what we think is likely to happen. And I look forward to continuing to use this forum to express those opinions, and to read differing opinions from different posters (hoping to refine my predictions further).
And, helping others that land on this forum. Better to tell them that the witless organization is very bad and it's only bad, and they leave a bad organization, than tell them only that it is bad and they stay (it isn't that bad) only to get stung with a very bad organization.