I raised both my kids to be good jaydubs – discouraged working and college and actually homeschooled both of them.
Neither of them were ever baptized and both began thinking for themselves at an early age.
My daughter – the younger kid – is still living at home at 24 and has yet to hold her first paid job. She says it's partly because of being so traumatized by neighborhood gang activity that she was, until recently, afraid to leave the house. Seriously: some thugs who were trying to recruit a friend of hers threatened to beat her if she didn't cooperate with them.
But she tells me now that the biggest cause of this apparent slackerdom is that it only dawned on her a few months ago that she has a future. Because, you know, Armageddon ain't coming. As soon as she had that epiphany, she drew up a five-year plan for independence, which she is working on now.
OTOH, my son got his first paid job at 15 (without asking us first), left home at 18 (without asking us first), got married a couple years ago, and bought a house.
Same environment, same weird religious upbringing, similar genes, different results.
I dunno.
gently feral