Tula and OBVES - you will like this
by cultswatter 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
(1+2+3+4) 24
(1+x+3+x) 31
Just my size. How'd ya know??
Gooooooooooooooooood .....................Not. No No there is hidden number there Oh OBVES where are you?????
There is remarkable equation: (n^2+n)/2 (Did you know that at age ten GUASS astounded his teacher with that equation)
I will attempt to make it obvious. Since the numbers in the Hebrew were written as words with letters they are the words of God . If so ,we have to interpret the numbers as we interpret other words of the Bible.
The same principle applies here to who may interpret the Bible . Those who are the remnant of 144000 class of servants. They are to feed the others. Since I proved that in God's plan the faithful servant in the end-times can mean small united group of servants ( having their organization) and one individual seperate servant closing the number 144000 all others must listen to what they teach.
The timeline shows that one servant comes after the small group .
1878 AD - 1879 AD - 1914 AD - 1918 AD -1921 AD ........ 1984 AD and then single servant : 1950 AD - 1984 AD - 1991 AD - 2011 AD-2012 AD.
And we can from Daniel 12.4 that in the end-time the understanding will increase immensely and it will grows with passing time we should expect the best understanding of the Bible presented from 1984 AD up to the very end. The 1984 AD is the most important date in the end-times before the return of the Messiah Jesus Christ.
That one sngle servant cannot be in opposition to that one small class as per Luke 9.49-50 . Every word there must be fulfilled to the jota.
If one diqualifies that remnant who are among Jehovah's Witnesses that person must provide the substitute to make Matthew 24.45-46 a reality before the end of the world takes place.
You by doing so must claim that you are belong to the class of 144000 and must prove that by your life aligned with specific dates.
If I were living back then when Christ lived by knowing the dates 7 BC,2 BC, 4 BC , 11 AD and 29 AD and 33 AD I know today I would have recognized the Messiah; Knowing his teachings coupled with that.
I came up with the date 1914 AD and 1950 AD and all other dates fit in nicely into end-time table. You have to create your own timeline that would challenge my timeline properly. You must have dates that will fit into your life as that one single servant .
First of all you have to prove the Bible is for our times as I can stick to the literal wording of the Bible and come to the conclusion that the Holy Writings - the Bible did not exist even yet as we know today - were for the people living up to the year 70 AD or 106 AD and the remaining parts for people that will live say 100000 years from now .
So ,I believe you will not be able to do it without proper calculations based on the Bible - and that includes the proper interpretation of the Bible .
So ,try to put forth another starting date and explain the reason why such date ?
Are you with me on the same page ?
Say , we have 2 BC - 29 AD - 33 AD - 36 AD - 70 AD - 106 AD find a timeline for our times that will be a duplicate of that timeline .
Then we will know that we have a repetition of what was already taking place before .
Obves...you blow my mind!
Tula, I liked your answer better.