Having a blast Momz...I love these types of games...lol
MOTAS Help!!
by faundy 54 Replies latest jw friends
I am at level 12. I just got the green wall to move. I have no idea what to to with the screwdriver, lightbulb, wire cutters and card. Is there a clue on the floor plan on the computer screen that I am not getting?
How do you guys know what level you're on? I'm stuck on the level with the tele-transporter and I know I have to get the right mixture...not sure how.
I don't think I'm as far as you are BFD
YAY!!! I finally figured it out...I think I'm on your level now BFD...let me see what I can do with it..
Freedom Frog, there should be an 'M' in the upper right hand corner. If you click on that a menu bar pops up. The level is noted toward the bottom of the tool bar.
Hi momz and everyone!
I'm where the "chess" game is on the floor....is that where you are BFD?
No, FF. I did that before a lot of other stuff. I keep trying to break into cabinets with the screwdriver but it's not working. I can't find a key or anything and I've looked everywhere a million times. I have 4 rooms, to go in and out of and a screwdriver, a card, a light bulb and wirecutters. I've tried the wirecutters on the box on the floor and it won't cut the tape.
BFD, if I remember correctly ... there is a crowded room with lots of furniture and a taped up box right?
You have to move the furniture around to reveal a secret passage on the floor to the right.
The picture on the screen gives the location of 2 secret passages
I can't figure out what to do where the aliens are (level 9)...I'm at the computer now, I already put the disk in and entered a code and can see on the screen 2 rooms...one room with the letters "s and t" and the other "a and e". What do I do????
Yikes...about to pull my hair out...lol
I already put the disk in and entered a code and can see on the screen 2 rooms...one room with the letters "s and t" and the other "a and e". What do I do????
You have to spell a word with the letters given .....