MOTAS Help!!
by faundy 54 Replies latest jw friends
I think that is the last one until they make the 20th...
find your wire cutters yet? I think they are behind the green wall, on the shelf...that green wall was my favourite puzzle...
Are you lydia on it? We were chatting today, auday.
Where are the passwords for the computer on lvl 16?
I found the wire cutters and got the code off the wall with the lamp but i have no idea what to do with the code. I think I will be bald from pulling out my hair right around level 15 at this rate! Still on level 12.
it's not as much fun if i tell you
I forget where the password is...so amny rooms! if you really get stuck I will tell you.
there are two
one of them is given to you...
the other one you make out of the letters on the computer screen from the two rooms..anagram
it is there...
and yes I knew auday was you
BFD, write down that code, you will need it
see the carpet you tripped over and straightened? there is a chair near it....
How did you know that?? Well, you are on level 19. So I guess you're purty smart.
lol, well you first came on as momzcrazy...lol and they made you change your nic..
Yes I got the key from the hanging light and found another screwdriver I've written down the code off the wall. The other code you were talking about I think was the last level. I will figure out how to get the third force field off eventually. if I get stuck bad I'll ask. Preist and FFM have helped me a lot.