To me psychotherapists are like elders trying to tell a JW why what they do is not the way somebody else higher up thinks it should be done for the majority of the time without ever entering into a personal relationship which is what is lacking from your life - soulmates of like minds!
Sure some will understand you but it's why certain individuals seem irretrievable!
A post about EGOISTS within the last day or so showed how some whovehad a rough time see much more than others about how the whole cycle of society works and when family treat them with a non-egoist agenda and they don't respond, it's put down to their disorder. And the individual senses it like shit on their sandwich! So meeting up with family can often feel like a bad feeling for both sides and especially the one left alone.
That's the trouble - each person has been through an institution and the ones who either arrested thenm or sent them down or set them free have all had a completely different reality which stands out like a white arse on a beach full of sunbathers!
My only experience of a solitary empowering psychology that I came across so far has been in a place I least expected it - one which looks at the individual as a small but essential part of the daily life on our Earth and ways that individual can find to locate positive energy and lose negative energy! May seem laughable to many and I can hardly believe I like it - but completely on my own terms otherwise no point after all the crap of religioso land!
So I may be Wiccan this time next year, but I make no pledges for it is not for me so to do with the limitations of what I know!
Good luck to you all!
Crusoe - one crazy SOAB!