LOST - Season Number Next...

by Jim_TX 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheSilence
    Did anyone watch that? Any thoughts on it?

    I didn't watch it. I like Lost, but not enough to watch another show I have no interest in to see that commercial.


  • still_in74
    yes, that's him. And John Terry (the actor) was listed in the credits as well

    did you notice that in a Flash Forward when the doctor accused Jack of being drunk he said that he wouldnt be half as drunk as his father.... the kicker was this was a flash forward. When the show initially aired it was still presumed that it was a flash back. So we know Jacks father is alive !!!

  • potentialJWconvertswife

    I don't think Abbadon is any kind of manifestation, an attendant at the hospital brought Hurley to him. I didn't take Abbadon as trying to find out what was happening on the island, but rather, he was asking Hurley those questions to try to pique his interest, start him thinking about going back. Remember, Charlie took the same tack- telling Hurley "they" need him. Hurley definitely has some kind of 6th sense going on- he did see the cabin and whoever was in it with Locke. John was very surprised when Hurley said the cabin was back the other way in the last episode. I'm still not sure Jack's dad is alive, although that was an odd remark in the hospital...maybe it was just drunk talk. Now how about last week's episode with Sayid as a hired gun working for Ben????

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