Have you started to do "bad" things now, or want to?

by oompa 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Funny, the ladies here see nothing wrong with watching a lady dance necked.....surprises me. And funny I mentioned about hanging out with DF'd people.......geeze there are so many I know and love....including my son and his entire band....but it still feels "BAD" because I have to do it without letting my parents know.....and most of the time my wife....It really makes you feel like a kid sneaking around behind your parents back.......................................oompa

  • Velvetann

    I did bad things that the Organization would say are bad, thats how I got disfellowshipped at first when I was 18. I was so rebellious I just wanted to do anything that was contrary to them. Some of those things lead to my grief so I guess they were bad because they made me suffer. Then I started doing some things for years that were contrary to society, nothing illegal but not so accepted. I cleaned up my act. I was Bad for years. I do know it was because I was so repressed growing up as a JW. My parents interuptation of the truth was that everything was bad, I wasn't allowed to wear a Bra and my Mom wouldn't even buy me Santary Pads because she was in denial that I was becoming a sexual being. I do not do Bad things according to society now, just according to the Watchtower. I live with my boyfriend for instance.

  • mrsjones5
    but it still feels "BAD" because I have to do it without letting my parents know.....

    OK...I'm not trying to pick on you Oompa but do you really have to let your parents know anything about what you do?


  • Xena

    I think just possibly I'm thinking more along the lines of that I am absolutely sick to death of doing "bad" stuff and that I'd like to be "wholesome" - like today I found myself looking away from some porn that came up as opposed to looking for it.

    I found myself telling the being honest when I'd normally tell a lie.

    I found myself trying to think about a future which is not largely defined by alcohol.

    Wonders will never cease

    I think it's natural to go on a bender or two when we leave the dubs. I know I did. (hehe dare I use the rubberband illustration???) Eventually though I think most of us find a balance in life that feels right to us....

  • ibme

    I agree with Blondie.

    'I don't have any desire to do things that harm myself or others to prove a point to the WTS.'


    I do not get your reasoning or why you are asking this ‘type’ of question.

    'Have you started to do "bad" things now, or want to?'

    Are you saying that only the WTBS people on this earth were/are the only ‘good’ people?

    That is what your question implies.

    Just keep in mind (if you want) that is just what the WBTS say happens to all individual who leave.

    They were pure when they were with us. Look at them now. They have turned to the ways of the wicked world.

    I could be wrong.

    But by such question you are suggesting that the WBTS is superior all others.


    Me thinkin’ me talkin’ to much

  • loosie

    It depends on your definition of bad. I now accept peoples different viewpoints. I don't judge people they have tatoos or peircings others than their ears.

    I do play the lottery. I want a tattoo. I go trick or treating with my daughter. I celebrate her birthday, and mine and my hubby's. I don't let the wt society dictate my marital sex life. I will be going to collegge

    I don't go out in service (yeah!!!!) I don't do drugs. I don't cheat on my spouse.

    Wow somehow I still feel like I am a good girl.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Bad is a subjective label of course.

    I do a few things now that I consider acceptable in 'normal' society, that were definitely 'bad' from a WTS perspective. Holidays, a little minor swearing, voting and political views. But the generally considered 'bad' things, things that are illegal, generally looked upon as immoral, or things that are unethical, No I don't do them.

    Some might wish to attribute this to 'hold-over mentality' from the cult. I don't. Most religions support a lifestyle in the area of morals, ethics, and living within the law. No matter what religion I had been bound to for those decades, I likely would have a very similar view. So yes, religion influenced my views, but not so much the Jw's in this area.

    I guess I basically live like any good Baptist, Catholic, or Protestant would do in that respect. Or good Jew or Muslim I suppose for that matter.

    BTW - Women should dance naked. That seems proper to me.


  • Satanus

    'it still feels "BAD" because I have to do it without letting my parents know'

    Don't do that. Tell mouthy about it, instead ;) Seriously though, parents can be a real obstacle in our developemnet. Some development people say that we need to live as if our parents are already dead. Why wait until they are dead? Btw, how old are you? You need to start taking responsibility.


  • oompa


    but it still feels "BAD" because I have to do it without letting my parents know.....

    OK...I'm not trying to pick on you Oompa but do you really have to let your parents know anything about what you do?


    Go ahead and pick on me...I have lots of materal! I don't have to let them know anything, but as an inactive JW hanging out with my DF'd son and his DF'd friends, one of them will say to their brother or sister still in, "hey, guess took me and Jake to dinner last night? Jakes dad, and he is cool with us being df'd....sure wish mom and dad were like that".....and of course then the still in mentions it to their parents, hoping they will be more like me. Then they call my (elder) Dad to say what the hey am I doin?......It is funny isn't it....like high school........oompa

  • mrsjones5
    It is funny isn't it....like high school........oompa

    Yeah, it is...and kinda sad too. I've had it happen to me recently and I was very amused about it...

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