Black Angels ?

by moomanchu 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Christianity was created in a caucasion area, thus the gods and angels looked like the people who created it. Much how the the Greeks and Romans made their gods look like them. Not too shocking, as this is normal in religious myth and human nature.

    "Grow beyond the blinders of Christianity!"

  • Maddie

    I don't believe spirit creatures have to adhere to a colour system


  • moomanchu

    Thanks for the replies.

    I guess I'm showing my faded age. I never seen that picture is it real ?

    Why would they show an angel as a female?

    I thought angels always manifested themselves as male.

    This now makes me wonder were there female nephilim? oooooo la la !

  • BurnTheShips
    "Grow beyond the blinders of Christianity!"

    Christianity helps me percieve and understand a larger world.


  • jaguarbass

    I think you see Jesus portrayed as caucassian because you live in a European caucassian society.

    I'm not so sure that caucassians consider Jews and arrabs to be caucassian. Thats not what they call them in anger. Thats not what they call them in Iraq.

    Caucassians portray jesus as white because caucassians are white. Blacks portray jesus as black. Mexicans make him mexican.

    Skin collor is just pigment in the skin. You see white Jesus's and hear about christianity because of where you live. If you were born somewhere else you would be hearing about Mohammad or Vishnu or Buddah.

    The Wactower is a pulp magazine publishing company out of Booklin New Yawk that doesnt necessarily make them rassist. They have been appealing to their predominant demographic.

  • free2beme
    Christianity helps me perceive and understand a larger world.

    By closing your mind in to thinking one religion, one faith and no chance of anything else being right? You have only seen the tip of this larger world, until you can realize that Christianity is but a slice of thought and not the final decision.

  • BurnTheShips
    By closing your mind in to thinking one religion, one faith and no chance of anything else being right? You have only seen the tip of this larger world, until you can realize that Christianity is but a slice of thought and not the final decision.

    Every choice implies a negation of a different choice. The alternative is to never choose, and even that is still a choice! In your comment here, I think I see what you yourself believe Christianity to be, and not what it is in itself. You think you have shed the WT shackles, but you may still be laboring under other aspects of black/white thinking, and false dichotomies.


  • Barbie Doll
  • Barbie Doll
  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll

    There might of been a Jesus, and lived in the desert and he would have been Dark skin.

    I am sorry there is no God.


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