So, its Sat AM, skipped mtg, skipped service - What could make this day any

by cognac 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    better? I thought to myself???

    Now, I'm eating strawberry cheesecake!!! WOW, this is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S. Hubby skipped also... (doesn't feel that great... hmmm, sure, i'll go with that...)

  • badboy

    i like cheesecake

  • jgnat

    Hmmmm, so how can we work on reducing hubby's guilt factor?

    Perhaps suggesting that the majority of the "harvest" has surely been gathered by now?

  • minimus

    Forget about anything JW related! Let's concentrate on how the PATRIOTS will win the Super Bowl!!!

  • momzcrazy

    Tell him even Jehovah took a day of rest, that has lasted a really LONG time. He understands that your husband needs to relax sometimes.

    Cheesecake for breakfast? My kinda girl!

  • OnTheWayOut

    Sipping your favorite hot beverage and either reading the paper or your
    favorite magazine (Not WT or Asleep!).

    When you finally feel like leisurely getting out, doing something together
    like walking a mall or a museum or whatever you like to do.

    Figure out what matinee movie you would like to see tomorrow during the

  • DJK
    Forget about anything JW related! Let's concentrate on how the PATRIOTS will win the Super Bowl!!!

    I'm all for that. DJK

  • Gregor

    Go ahead and count a couple of hours on your field service report, it will make you feel better.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    See what a bad influence you are cognac!

    Now me and mine aren't going out this morning either.

    I'm sure we'll get a token hour in tomorrow. Maybe. Hopefully not.

    Have a great day. Nurture your husband's true self whatever that may be.


  • oompa

    Actually, cheesecake in BED with your husband can be a real treat! Just skip, skip, skip till a real life opens to both of you....good luck!....and yes I love saying that.........................oompa

    my wife and son are out in service

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