So, its Sat AM, skipped mtg, skipped service - What could make this day any

by cognac 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I slept in until around 8...that's all the new kitten would allow...LOL....leisurely putting my work together for today..probably start around 1130 ..finish around 5...possibly work a little tomorrow before some silly game...() that might be it for the regular job until next I might have to supplement this week on my other PT job...they won't know what to think me showing up on Monday, Tue, Wed, and Thur...

    Isn't it nice to sleep in....I used to get up at 6 and do Laundromat/gas station witnessing time padding until 9...then field circus until noon... what a waste.

    And no going tomorrow either...though I think my last congo has an afternoon meeting now on Sunday. I wonder how many will be at morning meetings tomorrow. ...hmmmm... new thread?

    Snakes ()

  • nomoreguilt

    MMMMMMMM, No meetings in 3 and half years, no field circus in hmmmm 9 years????At least. I love saturday mornings, no guilt from the ex., old movies, the internet with my new friends.

    Life is good Cognac..............Think about it............and like my name says...........


  • Gopher

    I never miss field service. I don't miss it at all ! Haven't knocked on a door in almost 8 years now (except when invited over to a friend's house, I always knock then).

    Have a good weekend Cognac.

  • WTWizard

    Once you start skipping a few boasting sessions, you will wonder how you ever put up with so many of them. I haven't been to one in almost 3 years (if I make it to March 26, it will be a solid 3 years); my last field circus was June 30, 2005 (and I didn't even bother to report it).

    Nice to be able to see the end of the month come and have only paying the rent to worry about, and not have to worry about getting that obligatory hour of field circus to do before the month ends.

  • buffalosrfree

    I missed too, and don't give a hoot either!!!!

  • Layla33

    One small step at a time. Enjoy your day, watch some movies, order a pizza, read a good book, just relax.

    Oh how I hated FS. How can I count the ways. As a little girl, I was deathly afraid of dogs out in the field (even though we had at least one or two at the house) and why wouldn't they always pair my brother and I up in the remote terrority where dogs were running free. How many people let their dogs out on me. I still remember running down the street and leaving my shoes behind. LOL!

  • flipper

    COGNAC- Well, I haven't been in service or meetings in over 4 years ; and it gets better every Saturday morning ! Love cooking my wife an egg and cheese omelette , special home fried potatoes , and live a relaxed Saturday morning listening to music and playing scrabble and a few other things. Yeah, it's decadent , but so are my wife and me - and like No More Guilt said - no more guilt ! Enjoy yourself ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    It sounds perfect! Love it.

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