
by sass_my_frass 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    Quite possibly the answer to this question, is to follow the money. It's only been in recent years that insurance has covered Chiro. That tells me that they must have realized that it works, thus saving them drug and surgery money.

    Actually, it's gone the opposite direction here in Ontario. A portion of the visit used to be covered under our Ontario Health Insurance Plan. Several years ago OHIP stopped covering any portion of a chiropractic visit. The studies they did, didn't support the benifits Chiropractors were claiming.


  • deeskis

    Hi Sas

    Hope you're feeling better.........

    I've been to chiropractors several times, 3 different practitioners. usually for sever neck or back pain, (just woke up in pain, must have slept funny!) Sometimes it's helped immediately, 0nce or twice it hasn't helped at all, there is on local guy who suggested a bi-weekly visit, but I was sceptical about that. I have also been to a local GP(chinese) who specialises in accupuncture and manipulation, and have had some good results with him.

    I think it all depends on the indivual circumstances, and there's no doubt that chiropracty can work wonders in some cases.

    I remember my mum taking me to an osteopath in London, in my early teens, this guy was very popular with witnesses...........I felt that he was a "crock of sh.......know what" - different strokes for different folks!!!

    onyways..........keep well, and I'll be thinking of you in the next couple of weeks as I ski the POW in Niseko!!!! are you jealous??? hehe :)

  • AlyMC

    Until recently my husband did actuarial work (basically doing the math behind insurance). What is covered and what isn't has much less to do with "what works" than it has to do with demand and cost. Is the cost of the service in question less than the risk of loosing clients to another major insurer, IOW. Chiropractic is actually loosing steam in the industry rather quickly.

    Not to say that invalidates it at all, I'm just saying that their coverage of it isn't really a medical endorsement as much as a reflection of a competitive market.

  • inbyathread

    If you feel your current chiropractor is a quack, then find another. I've seen several and know which ones NOT to see again. I believe in Chiropractic care. It works. I've been trained under the AMA side of medicine and know of the quackery that goes on there also.

    Are there bad Chiropractors? Certainly. But there are also bad MD's. The Clinic and Hospital would tell you not to let one bad Doctor turn you to Chiropractic care. Well I will say Don't let one bad Chiropractic experience spoil your decision making.

    I use both AMA trained Doctors and Chiropractic. I take the information and make the best informed choice for ME.

  • Kenneson

    I've been going once a month to a chiropractor for several years. I don't always need it, but I call it "preventive maintenance." He does only spinal adjustments and doesn't crack all your bones.

  • Witchs Son
    Witchs Son

    a great part of healing process is patient's attitude. If you don't believe, your body is tense and your mind unprepared so naturally it won't work for you. Belief and trust are basic foundations of any healing process.

  • bsmart

    I know this is a blast from the past, I believe that massage therapy has a lot more going for it than chiropractic. Tension is likely to make a problem joint hurt more and loosening up the muscles and relaxing will help all around. Pain is less and you heal faster.

    Insurance won't cover it unless the MD prescribes it (here in the US.)

    If you are strapped for cash and or don't like the idea (think sleazy). Go to a massage therapy school and get a supervised massage. They get a grade for it and will do a good job. Ask for recomendations at clinics or at the athletic club. The community college here has a year long program and the state has a certificate program.

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