the articles on the jw-cd which only go back to 1950 where we fought back the attacks. I do not understand why they did not continue to blast our Bible since it is such a fraud....down south in usa churches teach members how to refute dubs at their door.....but why did they stop blasting the NWT? It is sooooooo easy to show a dub there is a bunch of made up crap in it.....I may have to help my local chruches.....if you need more info about the horrible fraud parts, feel free to pm me.........................oompa......even elders dont know
Where did Christendom go? They HATED our bible in 1950...just read...
by oompa 28 Replies latest jw friends
My Struggle
I think that they don't bother because only the JW's respect their version. It is not sold in any bookstores and a person could not receive one unless they are studying with a JW. So, if you teach the non-jw how to refute the jw there is really no chance of them getting that vile version of the bible in their hands.
They may have hit it hard back in the 50's not long after it came out b/c they might have assumed that it was intended for mass publication, and would be purported for use across denominations.
How would it have been if you would have been a preacher in the 50's and wanted to give the NWT a try and preached from it for a while before realizing how twisted it is?.......this could have happened if they would have not 'attacked' the NWT so hard.
sorry if my thoughts are scattered...I need to go to bed.
Oompa, it would be good if you could give presentations to some churches. I have seen others post here that had done this. It's an excellent way to protect the public from the WTS and might even indirectly plant some seeds in JWs knocking on doors.
Is the information you have something you could post here in the thread?
The nwt doesn't register in the ministries of churches. No need to attack it. Check a christian book store, and you will find lots of nice bible much better quality an d easier to read than the quircky and clunky nwt, translations like the new king james, niv, amplified and nrsv. No nwt's in sight.
Speaking at churches would be a good experience for you. Some nice people, there. Go for it. You might even decide to become a christian. One thing, though, they do the love bombing thing, too.
S -
I wish you would go and talk to the churches about jw's! I wish more ex jw's would. My thanks to all those who have and will in the future. May I make a comment about 'attack'? Simply pointing out and making others aware of changes, additions and subtractions is not 'attacking' but informing. A few Christians who I went to for help when all this started in my house knew there were problems with the jw bible. Most would ask, 'they have their own bible right? why? what have they changed?' The churches should have a class about all the major cults at least once a year in my opinion. Who said that the cults were the failure of the churches? (Walter Martin?) I believe that is true. They need to do a better job teaching how to defend the faith. Know thy enemy, and they don't. Most people have no clue what jw's are all about, if they know anything they know they don't like the flag, holidays and maybe they know they don't take blood. Nothing about their actual beliefs or restrictive lifestyle.
I would sooooo like to go speak at churches! That would be great therapy and put my well WT trained public speaking abilities to use. But I would have to do it with a brown bag over my head like the unknown comic. If I had no family or friends to offend, I would be out there, and still I may figure out a way to do this......................................oompa
>> he articles on the jw-cd which only go back to 1950 where we fought back the attacks.
I'm not saying this didn't happen, but have you ever seen evidence outside of the Watchtower that the New World Translation or Jehovah's Witnesses were "attacked" by the churches or its leaders? It would certainly play into their hand to take a half-dozen articles written by anyone in the world and play it up as if it were an "attack", ya know? "Look at us, we're being persecuted!"
As an aside, I wonder if a church would want an atheist to come speak about JW's? It could be fun until someone asked, "Why did you quit?"
"I decided the Bible was baloney and God was essentially Santa Claus for adults."
"thank you for coming..."
Most of the people I know that attend church on a regular basis do not know what the word apostate means. In other words, the WTS is too insignificant to be anything to worry about. Only those in it actually believe in it's importance. At one tenth of one percent of the population, they are correct, it is an insignificant org.
Because unlike JW's, Christendom can actually discern the difference between a badly wounded, and an pulseless unable-to-be-revived horse?
Disillusioned JW
Over the years I have come across multiple copies (some even brand new) of the NWT in the books section of local thrift stores; they are thus sold in some secondhand stores.
There are many very good qualities of the NWT, but my view is influenced by me having been raised by JW parents, with me as a child reading and studying from the 1961 and 1970 revisions of the NWT (and one study book quoting from some volumes of the 1950s NWT). At age 8 I enrolled in the theocratic ministry school and began giving Bible readings to the congregation. I later became baptized as a JW in the 1980s while a teenager and I later became a regular pioneer and a ministerial servant. [But I am now an ex-JW and an atheist.]
When I first picked up a KJV Bible and an ASV Bible (ones published by the WT which I ordered in the 1990s from the literature counter when I was the literature servant of my congregation) I found some of their archaic wording difficult to understand. Likewise, years earlier while in high school I found it extremely hard to understand the 'early modern English' language used in Shakespeare's plays. Previously (except maybe on very rare occasions) I had never read thee, thou, thine, didst, and other archaic words, and I had difficulty in figuring out precisely what they meant. As a result I greatly preferred the contemporary language of the NWT.