I think that to an outsider, (me) this seems more alarming than some of their past "something bad is gonna happen" scenarios.
THIS scenario is more like: "You won't understand what it is that is so alarming, but WE are gonna tell you some things that seem totally irrational, and you better do it or you will die in armageddon because you are not showing proper loyalty to Jehovah's 'slave'."
It seems to open up any kind of funky control scenario imaginable that JWs will be blindly expected to follow. A JW might not think a lot of this on its face, but it is still going in their collective theocratic unconsciousness(take that however you will:)).
So, I think it will be stranger than a lot of FS hours required. Maybe communal living situations? Perhaps home schooling? I say this because there is a teaching that at the end, when it is no more use, the FS will be called off as no longer necessary. Therefore, children in public schools as 'tools' of the WT is no longer necessary. People having any kind of private enterprises not benefitting the org. will be considered pointless and selfish. I do think a siege mentality may well set in. It will be slow, but articles like this may well lead into just such a scenario. Will JWs still be 'ok' with unbelieving spouses? Unbelieving children living in the home (even if minors)? Will they restrict pets and all non-JW sanctioned recreation? Who knows what kind of funky stuff they could think up. All money and assets titled to the WT? or ??
We have often heard of the funky ideas at Bethel, see the way they live, the control the WT exhibits there. Will all JWs live in little Bethels? Scary to think where it could go if one still has family in it. I guess that would show them who the true believers are, because there is only so far faders or closet non/JWs in a JW family will go, or even those who think the faith is true, but the religion/JW/WT FDS thing is nuts(lots of them, I think). I hope!