The WTS publishes an article like this every few years - I wouldn't get too concerned / excited / worried (delete as applicable).
For example , the Dec 15th 1995 WT has a very similar article emphasizing the importance of obeying "divine instruction to the minutest detail" and also referring to the passover , Red Sea destruction and complete suit of armour. Some of the phrases are almost identical - most of the current article is virtually a "cut and paste" from this and similar articles , such as Aug 15th 1991.
w9512/15p.12par.8They"DidJustSo"***Did the Israelites lend Moses loyal support? After Jehovah had afflicted Egypt with nine of the ten plagues, he gave Israel detailed instructions on celebrating the Passover. "Then the people bowed low and prostrated themselves. Subsequently the sons of Israel went and did just as Jehovah had commanded Moses and Aaron. They did just so." (Exodus 12:27, 28) At midnight of that eventful day, Nisan 14, 1513 B.C.E., God’s angel proceeded to slay all of Egypt’s firstborn but passed over the Israelite homes. Why were the firstborn of Israel spared? Because they had found protection under the blood of the Passover lamb, splashed on their doorways. They had done just as Jehovah had commanded Moses and Aaron. Yes, "they did just so." (Exodus 12:50, 51) At the Red Sea, Jehovah performed a further miracle in saving his obedient people while destroying Pharaoh and his mighty military machine. How the Israelites exulted! Likewise today, many who have obeyed Jehovah’s commandments will rejoice to be eyewitnesses of his vindication at Armageddon.....
Hence it is urgent that we heed the inspired command: "Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil." (Ephesians 6:11, footnote) In this, we are fortified by studying God’s Word and applying it in our lives. Further, we have Jehovah’s caring organization, with its anointed "faithful and discreet slave" and its loving elders, to shepherd us patiently in the way that we should go. We have a global preaching work to accomplish. (Matthew 24:14, 45-47) Like Noah, who so carefully obeyed divine instructions, may we always do "just so."