so are there really co's and elders who are undercover appostates???

by newly unsure 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Connaughty

    I can only speak for myself, I have stepped aside from serving as an Elder. I put down health reasons. I have served in that capacity for over 20 + years. When I was serving as an active Elder, I would read, and visit this site, but would never post my thoughts. There are some expressions that were made on this site that I thought were bang on. However, there are some that are made that are off the wall. I think that it's good for the forum to exist, because it allows us to vent the frustrations that we can't openly admit to others. e.g. the people on the outside just can't relate to what we are experiencing. Quiting the ORG is not as easy as it sounds. Some would have to make sacrifices. Some still believe that some changes will take place, and are hoping. I don't know about CO's though, but I have read some posts that have shared copies of correspondence that only would be in possession of CO's

  • nondescriptex

    The phrase "undercover apostate" has various shades of meaning. In the strictest sense, such individuals do exist but are rare. On the other hand, there are many who feel something is wrong. Elders see first hand, over and over, the details of people being hurt by blind policy. They see the corporate machinery in action. For some, it eventually occurs to them that this is more like the Pharisees than like Jesus. But they can't say it point blank. So they might try to soften the blow, bend the rules when they can. A hardliner might call that "apostate".

  • BurnTheShips

    Are there really Apostates that are "Undercover Brothers"?

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Could we please have the names of these undercover apostates so we can DF them....I mean so we can speak to them and get help...uhh yea that's what I mean.

  • Seeker4

    In 2006 I started this thread: "Say You're a Bethelite & Monitoring JWD - How Would You Feel About THESE??" and in that thread, which got like 10,000 hits and hundreds of responses over several days, a number of lurking elders posted for the first time.

    I know for a fact that some active elders have posted on this site. I also know that it's much more likely for them to come here after stepping down, which is what I did. There are lots of ex-elders and ex-Bethelites on here.

    I have an old CO friend who talked with me extensively after I faded from the JWs. He was then a congregation elder, and I posted a LONG account of our talk on the old H2O. He was easily as disillusioned about the WTS as I was, but remained an elder in the hopes that he could be of some help to the friends.


  • Mariusuk.

    I am a high ranking elder and you all in a lot of trouble!!!


  • lesterd

    Soome of those GO where the need is great are borg infiltrators looking for the dirt. There are those who are asigned to congregation that are weak to weed out the apostates, my brother-n-law was one, his wife a pioneer and he anointed. Seen a number of BOEs fall by his sword.

  • rekless
    i just find it hard to believe cuz once you start having doubts and researching n stuff, how could you keep living the lie?

    how long did Ray Franz live the lie until he was DF. How long did he enter into the GB/CEO meetings and see everything was a 2/3 vote and no praying in making decissions.

    How many died because even though he knew it was a sham he didn't blow the whistle. I know nobody would believe him at first, but he has a great following now and all the bad things are coming out.

  • zanex

    The idea of an "Undercover Brother" LOL.....and one in the Society....this just makes me laugh...cant get that dang movie outta my head...and the idea of Eddie Griffin walking into the WTBTS in full out Undacovah Brotha gear just seems like a riot...


  • flipper

    I know for a fact there are undercover elders lurking here and what is the reason ? To help members of the witness congregations to exit through cult exit counseling ! I think it's great ! I have PMed back and forth with some who are going to try and help me get my witness daughters 21 and 19 out of the cult eventually. I feel there are more than a few of them on our board here who's motives are good , and believe me, they want to bring down the Watchtwower society as much as any of us ! So power to the undercover C.O's and elders. If your motives are pure and right- you have Mr. Flippers support ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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