Can you count a bible study with a 2 year old?

by truthseeker 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    According to my friend, an elder said he could count 4 hours a month and a bible study if he talked about Jehovah to his 2 year old son.

    This would go some way to getting in his 10 hours a month as the elder said to my friend "The CO won't look at anyone whose hours are less than 10."

    Ridiculous eh?

  • truthseeker
  • carla

    I suppose it's like every jw with a ubm, they start a jw/ubm marathon fight discussion that lasts all damn day and they get to count what? 5,6,7 hours! No wonder they do this every few months! the jw gets very testy when you refuse to dialog with them and push all the right buttons so you do. You can promise yourself that you are not doing it anymore but somehow you fail anyway.

  • AlyMC

    I was always told that any time I spent teaching my kids formally (reading the BSB) could be counted.

  • WTWizard

    If you are going to get them baptized at age 6, then you need to get them studying by age 2.

  • uninformed

    alymc you said:

    I was always told that any time I spent teaching my kids formally (reading the BSB) could be counted.

    I am sure you were told that, but it is incorrect, according to the organization.

    ONE parent may count the time with their CHILDREN (one or more) for ONE HOUR per WEEK.


    However, no one does that, instead they get a bunch of teenage pioneers over to study with each kid and an elder or two to study with a couple of unruly ones and the congregation report probably has 50 hours reported on just one dysfunctional family.

    NO ONE goes by any of the rules, EXCEPT ONE--HATE THE APOSTATES.


  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Studying with her unborn child .... LOL!!!!

    Well, I suppose you could call that "inculcation from infancy" right?

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    If the elder says to count these 2 year olds in along with the general attendance at the KH, then by all means they should be counted in as Bible studies. They can't have it both ways.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • worldtraveller

    It's a sin to try to manipulate a 2 year olds mind. Shame on everyone who did that.

  • AnneB
    It's a sin to try to manipulate a 2 year olds mind. Shame on everyone who did that.

    As J.R. Brown once remarked: "If they're old enough to do bad, they're old enough to do good."

    Sin? Nope. Parental responsibility: get 'em before someone else does.

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