Let me explain that.
I think humans go through these phases where we see things and experience things that begin to callouse our minds. My dad is an amazing dichotomy of loving and violent. I know that he has killed people in self defense. I have watched him stab people for making him feel threatened. This same man will cry at sad movies, hug and kiss me when we see each other. Odd. I think the attraction to my mom was for much the same reason. My mother can be extremely heartless, calculating, ruthless to a fault, hard as a coffin nail. At the same time she gets her feelings hurt so easily.
If my mom had not gone back into her childhood religion when I began to talk I'd most assuredly have been raised selling/cooking drugs, stabbing people, hurting people with little regard for inhibitions. My mom has this innate sense of justice and I think she transferred it to me. The JW programming seems to keep in check this feeling that appears in the back of my mind when it is transgressed. The feeling isn't a feeling so much as a color. Red. The times that it appears feel good. It feels warm and I almost always want to give into it. There are days where I thank my mother profusely for the man that she taught me to be instead of the man that she could have allowed me to be.
Besides college educated what would you be or not be if not for 'the truth'?