They interpret it as a personal snub. We are putting them in a position to shun us, therefore it seems that we don't care about them. They can't see it the other way around because that would mean that it's wrong for them to shun us, which means that the witnesses are wrong, which means they've made a huge fool of themselves. No, that can't be true - we have rejected THEIR GOD and we are therefore rejecting them, and we knew it when we made the decision to leave or do whatever got us booted.
So i ditched my book study 2 night... and felt like sharing a thought
by XOCO 23 Replies latest jw experiences
it's fear based. i think there's a deep down gut feeling of 'what if this isn't the truth', and they project that emotion outward towards those who are doing things they wish they could do.
looking back, and even engaging in such crapola when i was young, i believe the talk comes from fear and jealousy.
i only saw that escalate to an extreme degree when i did work that was public for other people to find out about through the media....that was compliments or congrads, just 'but what if...." and that's when i knew they were just scared for themselves.
You're doing the right thing, make sure you get a great education and good grades and don't feel bad in missing as many meetings as you have to.
There is also a lot of jealosy in the congregation because you're doing what they wish they could do if they had enough guts to go against the society suggestion of not attending college.
The end is NOT around the corner so get an education to better yourself.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses perceive X-JWs as like the "lowest sum of the earth" are we that evil because some of us decide to leave
Because they are a CULT, thats why. A new found friend could not understand why I could not just say that I wished to cut down the time spent in it to 'develop other interests' ." No, it does not work like that" I tried to explain.
Found this on a cult awareness site
"When you meet the friendliest people you have ever known, who introduce you to the most loving group of people you've ever encountered, and you find the leader to be the most inspired, caring, compassionate and understanding person you've ever met, and then you learn the cause of the group is something you never dared hope could be accomplished, and all of this sounds too good to be true-it probably is too good to be true! Don't give up your education, your hopes and ambitions to follow a rainbow."
Jeannie Mills, Ex "The Peoples Temple"
I totally agree with what everybody is saying.
It's so sad to see otherwise intelligent people consumed with fear and jealousy over something as mundane as going to college.
When I was in, I used to think the WTS was especially insensitive to the plight of the African-American community. For some families, mine included, a college education was the only way out of a poverty-stricken environment. Why couldn't they see and acknowledge that fact?
It's because they don't care about anyone but themselves and their image.
Keep your spirit and your grades up, Xoco. You're going to need both in the days ahead.
Aunt Sylvia
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses perceive X-JWs as like the "lowest sum of the earth"
It's very simple. Bad associations spoil useful habits.
In other words, normality is contagious, and you are showing early signs of infection. You must be quarantined.
You have two choices.
You can continue taking your studies seriously, even missing boasting sessions that get in the way of doing your best. Get the best grades you are capable of getting now.(2):
You can go to every boasting session, sacrificing getting good grades and maybe even flunk the course. Maybe even pioneer--or drop the course because it is interfering with the misery.The outcomes are easy to predict. Pick the first, and you are more likely to get a stable, decent paying job. At that point, you will have the option to pioneer or not. You might opt to be the turtle in the congregation, doing a modest amount of service steadily. Or, you might even opt to do more research and fade eventually. You will have a decent chance of saving for retirement. And, if the economy really tanks, you will have at least a chance of surviving. And you will be able to enjoy more. One serious piece of advice: Never donate even a penny into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. No matter how much they hound, the money is not going to a good cause.
Take the second option, and you are likely to get crap work. You will have more of a struggle if you choose to pioneer, since you will work longer hours just to keep even. And you will have less for gas and other expenses. When you get older (say, near retirement age), you will find Social Security will be much less than had you did well on that course. You are more likely to end up destitute. If the economy goes real bad, you will be among the first to suffer severe consequences.
The decision is up to you. I personally think the first (do well in class even at the expense of sacrificing a boasting session) is the wiser. Pioneering can come later, or you might choose to be the slow, steady publisher. Or, you might decide to totally drop out of the congregation, especially once the envious hounders start giving you the hard time they think you deserve. Ultimately, you and you alone must make the decision.
i think there is such a high level of discontent in the R&F that they do what they accuse "apostates" of doing..... they say the 'tates never say what is so good about their new and improved lives with all the independent thoughts, rather they disparage the b0rganization.....
i mean c'mon, mates!! if the joy of serving jah is so all consuming, why on earth even take notice of the pond scum, eh?!
so i add my support to your ongoing efforts to maximize your educational efforts, if indeed you no longer are in lockstep belief that there is an impending destruction and millennial reign to look forward to
I concur with everyone's comments.
Don't give up your education for NO ONE! It will pay off in the long run. You never know when someone (a close family member) is going to need your help financially. Well, especially your parents.
Good for you xoco you are dead right about education, it is important for your Job prosects and your self esteem.
Being a white male i never cosidered yours' or Sowbird's take on it from the point of view if differing ethniciities, thank you for making this point.
May i also point that education is important to all poor people as a means of escape.
The attitude of the GB to education is wrong and they know it, they use it to subjugate the r&f .
Regards and best wishes