Crisis of Conscience: POLL

by Grout 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grout

    Well, I'm finally reading CoC, and I must tell you that despite already being an ex-Dub I was *shocked*. The thing that got me was the GB's apparently unselfconsciously acting above all the rules that they would apply so harshly to everyone else. Maybe I'm naive, but I didn't expect that level of hypocrisy.

    So what did YOU find most shocking in CoC? Perspiring minds want to know!

  • siegswife

    I'm still reading it, but so far the most shocking thing was finding out that they could disfellowship a married person for what they do sexually with their partner. That's just sick.

  • VeniceIT

    I would have to say the MEXICO/MALAWI thing was the most upsetting for me, if I had to choose. To say nothing of all the decite everywhere.


    "WE will make NO distinction between those who commit the act of Pedophilia and those who harbor them!!!"

  • JWinSF

    Most shocking?

    Gosh, can't narrow it down to any one item. It's been some time since I read it [1994]. But, what I found equally appalling was their invasion of bedrooms resulting in breakups of marriage, their inconsistent treatment of the members in Malawi vs. Mexico, their cold-hearted treatment of Franz's friends, their equally cold-hearted way of dealing with Franz.

    Wait until you read "In Search of Christian Freedom"! You'll see that even then they were on very shaky ground with 1914 and the blood issue. You'll also see that almost all the "sacred cow" theological stances are bogus.

  • Escargot

    Friends, wait until you read the second book, ‘In Search of Christian Freedom.” It correctly shows how even the JW doctrines has many holes in them, or can be viewed different ways. That was it for me when I read the second book.

    In COC, the double standard on avoiding Taxes got me. Because as an Elder, we were after some who were fighting the IRS on Taxes!!!

  • DIM

    i dunno, the whole thing was pretty shocking. i was shaking w/ anger the whole time I read it. I still haven't read the 2nd book - looks like I should.

  • nytelecom1

    i am shocked at how everyone takes this book as
    100% truth.

  • LizardSnot

    I was a JW from 1974 to 1986. I remember all the emotional sermons about our faithful brothers in Malawi and how they were being beaten, tortured, raped and even killed; and how one day we might have to go through the same thing.

    After reading COC, I realized that those poor people in Malawi suffered and died for nothing!

    The WBTS can't even be consistant within the guidelines that they have set up for themselves!

    They have covered their tracks so well, haven't they?
    I wonder if they feel that they have tricked God?


  • Grout

    veniceIT: Yeah, the Mexico/Malawi thing was amazing, wasn't it? And to think the whole point of not calling themselves a "religion" was to avoid ceding ownership of property. *sigh*

    siegswife: well, I knew about those DFing for married sex rules, but then I was raised a dub and was an MSvt for a while, so I wouldn't expect that everyone else would know. Shoot, my wife didn't know that Pay Attn To All The Flock even existed until I told her, and she had been a dub all her life.

  • rem

    Perhaps Nytelecom would like to enlighten us with some errors that he found in the book?


    'A scientific opinion is one which there is some reason to believe is true; an unscientific opinion is one which is held for some reason other than its probable truth.' - Bertrand Russell

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