Is that phrase from the bible? I know I've heard it here a couple of times - is that one of the dub's pet phrases unique to them? I am curious because I've been on Oprah's website looking through the threads devoted to her latest book club selection, A New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle. There is a poster there who is obviously a religious nut that is telling everyone that only the bible has answers to every question in life and that if you seek out answers from other sources it is implied those sources are inspired by Satan, and she has used this phrase numerous times. This person comes across like a dub would, quoting one scripture after another and maintaining a superior and judgmental attitude that is quite grating. To top it off, everything this person writes is in all caps with no paragraph breaks. Despite being warned that that is not good webtiquette she continues to do it (she says she types too slow otherwise).
"Ears tickled"
by poppers 10 Replies latest jw friends
darth frosty
2Timothy 4:3,4 "For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthfull teaching, but, in accord with there own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled. And they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories."
Thanks darth. Is that a phrase that dubs like to use a lot?
Yes, they use that phrase constantly to remind people that they have the TRUTH, the ONLY TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH, so help them GOD.
This scripture so much impeded my progress in leaving the dud mentality. They preach that if you can't tow THEIR line you can't tow Christ's line. They act like what they say is what Jesus said. Nothing is further from the truth.
How many of us here have left the dubs and have an "anything goes" mentality? Not many. Even the atheist I've met on here act more Christlike than the Wt does. That is a sad fact.
The real message in that scripture is to look for yourself.
This scripture has always interested me. Any more opinions?
Not only should your ears not be tickled, but according to recent WT litterature your spouse's "happy spots" should not be either.
I feel this person is probably a dub, then, or perhaps a Baptist - definitely a fundamentalist. It is quite nauseating to read over and over the same thing from her, never really addressing direct questions to her. She is locked into a mentality of response that is singular: only the Bible has the answer, and it is her duty to warn and inform the masses as directed by the Bible. Thanks people for your input.
Burn the ships: really? What problems does the Borg have with sex NOW? It was actually my observation of just how bent and distorted around sex the JWs were that first triggered the alarm bells for me: I noticed that they were obsessed with it, paranoid to the point of bizarreness about any sort of contact between males and females at all. I'd grown up in a fairly bohemian setting and had no problems or obsessions with nudity, sleeping naked with males *without* sex, physical contact and loving touch with my male friends, so coming across the puritannical hysteria of the dubs was mindboggling. Then when I started to find out that they had problems with sexual acts- talk about invasive! Being told what I *could* or *couldn't* do with my spouse??
Considering the annual cycle of rumor, "new light" and "new arrangement (s)", all whispered that they are "signs" that we are closer to the "end", I'd think that Witnesses have the most tickled ears on the planet.
"ears tickled" is a dubism. It's their way of saying the truth sometimes hurts.
I doubt that it can be found in non new world translations of the bible