I respect the divine guidance given by Bethel's old men who are trying to protect us from terrible diseases.
Aids - 1 in a few million units of blood is tainted
Hepatitus - 1 in a few hundred thousand of units of blood is tainted.
Chagas - Only 3 or so people in the US have ever gotten this from a blood transfusion. Treatment is easy to fix. Gentian Violet
Infections - Treatsment is easy to fix - antibiotics
Going without blood is not dangerous.
Those with a blood count of 7 have a 33% chance of dying. This increases to 99% if they are elderly or have compromised circulatory systems. Those with a count of 5 are 'almost' dead, or are usually dead.
Bethany Hughes was given arsenic as part of her bloodless treatment, as directed by the HLC elder. She died a few months aftert starting this wonderful treatment.
And...let's not talk about accident victims....women hemoraghing during childbirth/hysterectomy.....blacks with sickle cell anemia..... (but, old, white men in Brooklyn without wives don't worry about these things)
The Watchtower leadership is steadfast in its refusal of blood
Just don't look at their history on fractions, hemoglobin, blood treatments, blood machines, etc. More flip-flops than are in Jimmy Buffet's closet, I dare say.
The Watchtower leadership abstains from blood
That's why they allow 2,500 units of donated blood to make one dose of Factor VII, used by hemophiliac JWs
That's why they allow hemoglobin now. Basically, it's the inside of a red blood cell. You can't eat sausage says these old men, but you can take the sausage out of the skin and eat that! Go figure?
They allow cell tagging & "current therapy" - (i.e. whole blood transfusions in smaller doses)
Yes, these old men in Crooklyn make wonderful decisions...
And....................if you don't agree with the old men.......................................
SHUN, SHUN, SHUN! But, you'll have the sun on your shoulders.
Agree with these old men.....and hope they are right about Everlasting Life.