(Note: I originally intended this to be a PM, but then I decided
I would also like to hear from other Bible defenders on the
board. Snowbird, please feel free to reply either on the board
or via PM)
Over the course of our conversations on faith and the Old Testament
I have grown to respect you dispite our conflicting world views, and
I would like to have the have the opportunity to hear your thoughts
on something in a less combative arena than the open board...
It's seems when a believer gets into an argument with a nonbeliever
it is very often on the subject of creation/evolution, but I have no
interest at the moment of bringing that issue up, mostly because my
goal in conversation with you is not to win or lose an argument, but
to try and understand where you are coming from.
It is no mystery to me why many are convinced by a basic "Argument
From Design". The universe just "feels" designed to it's very core.
It its almost like (for whatever reason) we are hardwired to observe
our environment and implicate design. Evolution is (by admission of
it's strongest advocates) a startlingly counterintuitive idea.
The reasons I find such a idea plausible and indeed compelling fall
outside the realm of the intent of this letter...
My point is that I profoundly understand what it feels like to look
at the universe and see God.
What I DON'T understand at the moment is when someone looks at
The Bible and sees God.
You see once I imagine myself buying into the ground floor idea of
Bible Inerrancy, all the rest of your world view falls into place
and starts making sense...
It just that first set of doors that I profoundly do not "get"
Unlike the challenging issue of apparent design, my current view
of the Bible seems to me to be VERY intuitive. I look at The Bible
and I see a book written by ancient religious and political leaders
with the intent (conscious or not) to both inspire and control the
people they found themselves responsible for.
Why are convinced it is anything more?
What compels you to believe that The Bible is literally the
True Word of God?