I'm going in for a routine checkup at the behest of my partner. She was shocked I've never been tested, and I said well I have no symptoms, I wear condoms, and had very few partners, so I didn't think it was necessary. Really how bad is the "Q tip"??? Will I be able to walk tonight? I have to go play with my band at a bar.
So how bad is the male STD test???
by bluesbreaker59 42 Replies latest jw friends
Unless you have a lick playing guit with your dick there shouldn't be a problem.
I dont know anything about a q tip. If it dont hurt when you pee your probably half way home. The Std that I would be concerned with is hepatitis you can get that from kissing and it destroys your liver and it is very contagious. But if your partner is not a street person who lives in a jail and uses drugs youll probably make the gig tonight.
A couple buddies told me they ram a Q tip into your urethra to check for ghonnorea and clamydia!!!!
A couple buddies told me they ram a Q tip into your urethra to check for ghonnorea and clamydia!!!!
I see thats a swab sample. But if you used a rubber you dont need that test.
I see though if your going for your partner she probably wants you to have all the test so she knows your good to go.
I'd tell the doctor you always wear a rubber.
It's a Qtip that is gently inserted into the penis. It may be a little uncomfortable but should not be painful and by no means should any medical professional "ram" anything anywhere.
BTW, just because you don't have symptoms doesn't mean you can't be infected. Very common misconception. I'm sure you will do fine and your partner's worries will be squashed an so should yours if she's being tested also!
Good luck and take a deep breath!
Well, like my father told me, " Keep it in your pants. You only have to kiss em to get em pregnant." Oh, and have your girl friend tested too. If she's so adamant abut you being clean, shouldn't you be also???
I think it involves shoving in red hot wires . . .
Hurts like hell at first but I think you'll survive it .
yeah just like Heathen said, hurts like a bitch at first, but you get over it. I've had two, and the second was by a woman and she was WAY gentler than the guy was. Just dont drink before hand, cause if you have to pee right after...ouch.