Have you looked up Urine therapy on the net? Many web-sites praise drinking your own Urine as being extremely good for you. I thought this was nuts!! But on doing some research I've found some interesting positive info. Babies drink theirs in the womb. Rather than being a waste product as 20th Century medicine teaches, urine contains many emzymes, hormones, protiens, vitamins, essential salts. This is how it works. The Liver filters out the toxic stuff and sends it to the bowel as waste. The kidneys filter out these nutrients and makes it into urine NOT WASTE. Some who drink it twice a day say it cures cancer, poor immunity, and many intestinal disorders, while promoting well-being. It has been used for thousands of years. Soldiers would use it on blisters and as a healthy drink when water was in short supply.
What do you think lets give it a go!!!